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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 19:12



热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 07:37


1. Practice and learning is also very important, but in the real world, often reflect the talent and ability to learn and it is very difficult to come out of training, in practice, only to sum up experience, so practice is more important than learning!
A simple example: a good hand is the debate on the theoretical study and learn from this knowledge or training in practice come from? It is obvious: the practice of the will and ability to exercise more, the practice has fully proved more important than learning! !

2. Theory into practice (1)
Students in learning the language a lot of accumulated knowledge, famous dictum, the only answer for the papers to do, and not tried to use their language of the actual exchange. This is our test and the teacher's attention to a great extent. Must be seen in the college entrance examination, knowledge of these are very clear point of the answer, it is generally agreed that students need to answer these, in their daily lives, there is no need to use.

We have teachers teaching, notes that students should not be accumulated, only its famous classical Chinese classical poetry or simple Shiji, but should be more emphasis on students learning the inside, in day-to-day teaching teachers to actively guide Students on the accumulation of knowledge application development. For example: On the basis of the accumulation of knowledge, teachers in the classroom teaching to create scenarios to enable students to experience the beauty of the application; stressed that the level of language exchange with the answer, the former is more practical, more of their literary quality.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 07:38








热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 07:38


热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 07:39


热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 07:40

怎么样才可以贷款买车 贷款买车需要什么手续 孩子刚上小学一年级,如何规划日常学习? 关于形容对一个人失望心寒的句子 比喻对某个人失望的句子 想做一个智能产品,不懂技术怎么办? 请问从昆明到丽江车票是多少? 麻烦推荐一下去丽江的乘车路线 腹部右边和肚脐齐平的位置和腹部右下方,肚脐下方疼,去医院检查应该挂什... 右腹部阵痛 肚脐平齐部位 同等学力申硕考试需要复试吗 辩论:学校学习重要还是社会实践重要?我是学校学习重要的一方,帮我想... 孕晚期产检什么时候开始 就书本知识和实践能力哪个更重要为题展开了辩论会50字 孕晚期B超多久做一次 孕晚期B超检查对胎儿有无影响 主体结构工程分包出去施工,外墙保温应不应该算不算建筑面积给分包单位... 现浇板有哪些计算方法 张家口到安国途经八达岭吗 大腿后侧靠近膝盖的位置长了包 不会是尖锐湿疣吧? 害怕 有图_百度知 ... 从八达岭上高速到张家口连着过两个收费站?为什么? 求路书:怎么去官厅天漠? 张家口市到八达岭野生动物园怎么走? 爵禄军属待遇 插头上的数字代表什么 住好智能家居怎么样 ...医生,大腿根内侧皮下长一硬疙瘩,前些日子变小了,但是最近两天又变大... ...共产党人该如何坚定自身理想信念,为实现共产主义的最高理想而不懈... 胸片诊断为支气管炎,CT诊断为左上肺少量纤维灶,其他无异常。几个医生... ...报告说是两侧正常没有活动型病燥报告说没啥病症,医生看了说是支气 ... 桥村有道:转型乡村的道德权力与社会结构内容简介 怎么使用上网精灵连接免费wifi热点? 越南红牛好喝吗?口感怎么样? You make my heart smile. 是什么意思 上班族真的需要健康筛查吗? 出国人员协议离婚 和老公在外地的同一个城市,能办离婚手续吗 电脑上打开的网页或者QQLIVE之类的总是全屏显示,怎么解决? QQlive全屏自动变成半屏 我的QQlive窗口模式怎么是白屏,全屏的时候没事。 qqlive现在全屏看电影时过几分钟后电脑下面的任务栏就会自动跳出来_百 ... 为什么笔记本看qqlive开了全屏两边却有黑色框 为什么我装了显卡软件不能播放qqlive 别人都说我长得秀气,还说我内向,清高,总是排斥我。悲哀 怎么老是有人说我长的秀气害羞,同学聚会。总会有女生跟我搭话只能红着... 我一17小伙,哎!各个阶段的同学都说我很秀气,那请问怎么能男人点儿 别人说我长的太秀气,整个人就像一个巨婴。我该怎么办啊。 为什么老是有人说我长得秀气 长沙单位职工按最低交十五年社保领多少钱 实况足球2012绿荫传奇,我选的是影锋,注重训练什么? 孩子为啥脸色苍白 孩子脸色苍白怎么回事