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Falling Over Me 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2天前



热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 11:18

歌曲名:Falling Over Me
歌手:Demi Lovato
专辑:Here We Go Again

Demi Lovato - Falling Over Me
I'm standing in the center of the room
I'm watching boys follow girl's perfume
All is as it should be I assume, oh
Except for the distance between me and you
You're standing as a flower on a wall
The room is still but we're about to fall
And all the names that brought us here,
simply fade away...
Who you are is falling over me
(Who you are is falling over me)
Who you are is everything I need
(Who you are is everything I need)
I'm hoping
I'm waiting
I'm praying
You are the one
And I'm hoping
I'm waiting
I'm praying
You are the one
I can't believe that night turned into today
I used the line you were supposed to say
Oooh, yeah
And all the names that brought us here,
Now we have to thank
Who you are is falling over me
(Who you are is falling over me)
Who you are has got me on my knees
(Who you are has got me on my knees)
I'm hoping
I'm waiting
I'm praying
You are the one
If you run I will wait, I will follow
I'm here to stay
As long as we promise tomorrow,
I promise you today
I will wait,
I will wait
Who you are is falling over me
(Who you are is falling over me)
Who you are has got me on my knees
(Who you are has got me on my knees)
Yeah, I'm hoping
I'm waiting
I'm praying
You are the one
I'm hoping
I'm waiting
I'm praying
You are the one
You are the one

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