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帮忙翻译一篇短英语,200多字,求啊 在线等 要通顺啊,求高手练手

发布网友 发布时间:5小时前



热心网友 时间:4小时前


热心网友 时间:4小时前

My machinery processing industrial overall is behind State, industrialization process slow, reflected in small drilling machine Shang especially obviously, its performance in domestic still exists many processing small workshop with old small drilling machine processing hole class workpiece Shang, and most small drilling machine are is using belt round has level adjustable speed, in processing different workpiece Shang needs downtime adjustment belt Web speed to near speed, not only operation cumbersome, and not conducive to workpiece of processing, effect tool using life, on drilling machine itself also has must injury. At present research focuses on small drilling machine in domestic universities and suppliers, its direction tend to be automated-feed, type of mechanical stepless speed change direction and do not have much research; the design into a cone type CVT mechanism, cleverly timing mechanism on the cone RADIUS changes, achieve the purpose of continuously variable transmission

热心网友 时间:5小时前

Mechanical processing industry as a whole in a backward state in China, the industrialization process is slow, especially on small drilling machine, its performance is still in China there are a lot of small workshops with old small drilling machine machining hole workpieces, and most small drilling machine is the use of belt pulley has used on different workpieces need stop adjusting the rotational speed to close to the speed of the pulley, operation not only cumbersome, but also conducive to the workpiece processing, affect the cutting tool service life and drilling machine itself also has some damage. At present domestic study of small drilling machine manufacturer and mainly concentrated in some colleges and universities, the feed direction tend to automation, the mechanical stepless speed changing direction and not too much research; This design into a cone wheel stepless speed change mechanism, through clever speed regulation institutions realize the cone wheel working radius change, achieve the goal of stepless variable speed.

热心网友 时间:4小时前

China's machinery processing industry as a whole in a backward state, slow process of industrialization, embodied particularly evident in the small drilling machine, its performance in the country there are still many old-fashioned small-scale processing of small workshops like workpiece machined hole drilling and drilling are used most small pulley a level speed in the processing of different workpiece need to adjust the pulley speed to close down speed operation is complicated, and not conducive to the machining, tool life impact on drilling itself also has some damage.
Drilling of small domestic research focuses on some universities and manufacturers, which tend to automate the feed direction, in the direction of mechanical CVT and not much research; This design introduces a bevel wheel stepless transmission mechanism, through the ingenious governor agencies to achieve the right working radius cone wheel change, to achieve the purpose of CVT.
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