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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 06:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:17

creative in their spare time .pleasure such as watching tv 在英语本族语中很少使用
curriculums 拼写错误
effective and prompt measures.energetic and creative after school. alike...teacher语法不规范,请确认
better than在做“优于”讲时,是普通词组,建议替换为superior to
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热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:18

It is undeniable that hardly many children take part in doing creative activities in their spare time. Instead, they prefer to sit in front of a box - watching TV. In my opinion, there are two main reasons that should be attributed to this—— the immaturity of children, and moreover the heavy burdens stemming from schools respectively. Accordingly, schools as well as parents can serve as remedy for this.
To begin with, it is manifest that children are, by nature, relatively immature physically, mentally as well as psychologically. As a result, most times they can scarcely motivate themselves to do something creative consciously. Rather, more often than not they would choose to relax their bodies and ease their minds by doing something easy and pleasurable such as watching TV.
Even more disturbing, though, is that in order to achieve sound scores in numerous examinations, children have no choice but to be confronted with the overload of various curriculums and works posed by schools and teachers. Provided that children are generally immature, they need more freedom as well as flexibility to relax their bodies and ease their minds. Consequently, children would rather to watch TV than participating in doing something creative.
Schools and parents should be able to play crucial roles in solving this problem. For schools and teachers alike, they should give priority to relieving burdens shouldered by children, for the purpose of guaranteeing that children maintain energetic and active after school. Furthermore, if only they could afford children different kinds of stimulating extra-curricular activities, therefore children would be far more likely to participate in creative activities and achieve physical, mental and psychological wellbeing. Additionally, now that many children devote themselves to watching TV in their free time, parents can do nothing better than encouraging their children to find something creative and advantageous from TV programs, especially what is favorable for the children’s study.
To conclude, the immaturity of children together with heavy burdens stems from schools and teachers is responsible for children’s preference of watching TV over doing creative things. I personally believe that schools and parents can function as solutions to this problem.

A very good essay, I made some changes in which I think can be better. This is not professional advice, only some suggestions by a high school British student XD追问非常感谢你的修改,最后再请问问你目前而言,我的作文还应该在哪些方面做提高呢?

在RLC电路中,谐振频率为___同期为___谐振条件为___? 电磁振荡并联 RLC振荡回路的谐振频率与振荡特性 佛手柑水培还是干放 中山市美派电器有限公司怎么样? 成都美派电器有限公司怎么样? 两条不同品牌的DDR3内存条可以一起用吗 驾驶证的牡丹卡多长时间能办下来 新衣服必须用洗衣液洗才能去甲醛吗? 梦见逛街被偷抢 2024年买什么品牌的运动男鞋比较好? 高手帮忙 翻译个 句子..谢谢。 急求篇关于法国大革命的英文essay 吵架了,翻她的微博,寻着一些蛛丝马迹找到了她的最后一任前男友(一共有4个前男友),她经常提到前男友 怎么去除白衣服上的蓝色钢笔渍? 第二题为什么是confronted with 高中英语可能用到的2000习语 一白色衣服不小心染上了蓝色,请问怎么洗掉啊?白色羽绒服画上了粉色和蓝色的粉笔,怎样快速去掉_百度问一问 给一些高级句型或短语 英语语法:engage , encounter 和 confront 都有“面对,遭遇”的意思... 景德镇陶瓷厂在哪里 confront是什么意思啊?如何背? 我和女友分手十天了,刚才我偷偷的看了她的微博, be connected to/with/by的区别. 我比我男朋友大5岁,平时感情很好真的很幸福。但是他很喜欢撒谎,自己偷偷玩微博微信,我发现了。。吵架 我的被封了,银行卡怎么解绑? 为什么有的男生 你们吵架过 他讨厌你 在朋友圈吐槽你 (因为吵架过)但还是偷偷关注你的微博以及小号 be confronted with和confront的区别 我想进厂,请问景德镇哪里有工厂。谢谢 为什么分手以后,对方挽回,他不答应,还经常偷偷看人家空间和微博,但是你和他吵架,你吵一句,他吵一句 湖南风味平锅鱼怎么做 和女朋友分手快两个月了,她最近经常偷偷来看我微博,明明,已经互相拉黑了,女孩都是什么心态阿, 昨晚跟我老公吵架了!都是因为一些琐碎事。之后我喝了酒。现在醒来头痛得很。吃早餐的时候看看微博。看到 苹果手机视频号屏蔽的好友如何恢复? 不知道是不是我心理问题,总偷偷看一个男生的微博,应该没有记录,但是总觉得对方有回应似的,因为我每次 是不是有6G内存运行手机,是真的还是假货? vivo手机是第一个拥有6G运行内存的手机吗? 要做那种麻将块儿型的红烧肉,说要用料酒腌!可没料酒,能用什么代替啊 华为手机怎么改照片时间 居民养老保险可以一次性缴纳吗 江南百景图河虾怎么获得 ...手机是安卓手机,充上电以后一直重启循环,开不了机,不充电又打不开... 光纤猫链接路由器后怎么进光纤猫 怎样能轻松的打开盖子? 乳果珍惜饮料怎么打盖子? 透过路由怎样进入光纤猫 斑小将怎么打开盖子 中兴光猫怎么进去设置 怎么打开盖于 增强力量的健身,每个动作做几组? 练搏击的一周怎么安排力量训练?一组多少次?共几组?做完力量训练怎么放松肌肉?