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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 13:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 03:15

In the US, women greet with kisses, hugs, handshakes, waves and nods--even a slight smile. Determining the right greeting to offer a foreigner is more of an art than a science, as intuition must play a role.



1Step OneShake hands with strangers you've just been introced to, whether you're in a social or business setting. There are very few exceptions to this rule--of course, if the stranger is your future daughter-in-law you should go ahead and hug her. By the same token, if the woman is your ex-husband's vicious divorce attorney, it's fine to nod rather than make physical contact.

2Step TwoAssess your relationship with female acquaintances before greeting them. Close friends and family members appreciate hugs and/or kisses. As for the friend of a friend you keep running into at parties but don't socialize with, a wave and smile or nod is appropriate. In a business setting, hand-shaking is a warmer greeting than non-physical contact.

3Step ThreeConsider how long it's been since you last saw the woman. If you just saw her earlier that day and hugged her hello then, a wave and smile is appropriate. If it's been months or years, a tight hug and squeals of "I've missed you!" might be in order for someone very dear to you. On the other hand, a high school classmate you haven't seen in decades might be more comfortable with a non-physical greeting.

4Step FourAnalyze the woman's comfort level with physical contact. Some women are touchy-feely and expect a full body hug and a big wet kiss on the cheek. Others don't like to be touched at all. If a woman reaches out for an embrace, reciprocate, but if her body language screams "Go away!" then don't touch her.

5Step FiveFollow the physical greeting with an appropriate verbal greeting. "How are you?" is always polite, and few women object to, "And don't you look wonderful!" You likewise can't fail with, "It's so good to see you." If you really want to win her over, try "Have you lost weight?" unless you know she hasn't or is self-conscious about being too thin.

Tips & Warnings
Be conscious of foreign traditions when greeting someone of another culture. Some foreigners might be uncomfortable with

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 03:16



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