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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 18:39



热心网友 时间:2023-07-03 21:13

In some areas, people on their own if the work of some breakthroughs, innovation and progress, can not be separated from Lenovo and creative thinking. In the field of fashion design, costume design is to create life, there would be no innovation without creating clothing, let alone a successful fashion design. Costume design creativity from the design of creative thinking, Lenovo is to create the foundation to create some things can not be separated from Lenovo, Lenovo and only through creative thinking to design innovative, with the characteristics of the era's clothing. Therefore, Lenovo and creative thinking is particularly important for fashion design, fashion designer's success is the deciding factor. As a senior category of dress, is a pioneer in clothing, dress design innovative direct impact on the fashion instry's development.
Papers trunk is divided into three parts:
First of all, Lenovo and the creation of the concept, pointing out that Lenovo and create a costume design is now the core essence is to create the design.
Secondly, with some well-known fashion design master of Lenovo and creative thinking leading to the successful examples of design, creative thinking on the design of Lenovo in fashion design and an indispensable factor.
Finally, in the first, second and Lenovo in the description of the creation of the importance of fashion design, based on detailed analysis of dress required by Lenovo and creative thinking.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-03 21:14

In some kinds of areas,whenever people intend to break out their works and to get some new things,or make some improvement,they can't be away from lenovo and creative idea.In the clothes instry,lives of clothing design is of creation,it is imposible that either create a new cloth or archive a outstanding works of clothing design.

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