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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 11:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:57

我会这样做来保持健康: I will do the following to keep fit and healthy.

Do enough excercises everyday.

Have reasonable amount of food.

Drink more water.

Do not smoke.

Drink very little.

Keep good state of mind.

When I am sick, I will do the following:

First observe

If I can deal with it, do it.

If I cannot deal with ,

I will see a doctor.

I will pay attention to my nutrition.

Comparing Chinese herbs and Western medicine,

Chinese herbs are better.

As western medicine has side effect,

which may cause other problems.

Chinese herbs are bitter in tatse,
But it is safe to use.

Acupuncture is a therapy that needles are inserted to points of human body.

In serious situations or at night, please do go to the emengency of the hospital.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:58

I will do so to maintain a healthy:

Daily proper exercise;

For a reasonable meal;

Drink plenty of water;

don't smoke;

Less alcohol;

Maintain a good attitude.

When I get sick , I will deal it like this:

First observe myself's illnesses,

If I can solve myself,then I'll do it by my own;

But if I can't resolve it,

To go to the hospital ,

And to strengthen my nutrition.

compared with Chinese medicine and western medicine ,

Chinese medicine better.

Because there are side effects of western medicine,

Easily lead to other illnesses;

Although the medicine is bitter,

But it is very safe.

Acupuncture is a kind of treatment ,which is to the point of acupuncture in the .

When there are emergencies, or at the time the evening is when the people to go to the emergency room

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:58

I will do these to keep my healthy:
Doing daily proper exercise;
Having reasonable meals;
Drinking plenty of water;
Not smoking;
Less alcohol;
Keeping a good mindset.

When I get sick I will deal with these:
First,observing my illness.
If I can solve them,I do myself.
But if I can't,
I'll go to the hospital,
And to strengthen my nutrition.

To compare the Chinese medicine and western medicine,
Chinese medicine is better.
Because there are side effects of western medicine,
Easily lead to other illnesses;
Although the bitter Chinese medicine is,
But it is very safe.

Acupuncture is to the point of acupuncture in the treatment of a kind.

When a case of emergency, or the time is late, people should to go to the emergency room.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:59

I will do this will maintain the health: Every day makes the right amount movement; Carries on the reasonable meals; Drinks water; Does not smoke; Little drinks; Maintains the good point of view. When I fall ill, I will process like this: Observes own condition first, if can solve, own solution; But if cannot solve, arrives in the hospital to receive a medical examination, and strengthens own nutrition. The traditional Chinese medicine and the western medicine compared to, the traditional Chinese medicine are better some. Because the western medicine has the side effect, easy to cause other problem; But traditional Chinese medicine, although painstakingly, but it is safe. Acupuncture is the acupuncture in person's acupuncture point one method of treatment. When has the emergency case, or at that time already was evening's time, the people want to go to the emergency room.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 19:00

I will do the fellow to keep fit:
doing some proper exercise every day
having a regular diet
drinking more water
no smoking
less drinking
enjoying a nice feeling
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