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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 18:30



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 21:22

作者: 房玉靖 刘海燕
丛书名: 全国高职高专专业英语规划教材出版社:清华大学出版社
出版日期:2012 年1月
所属分类: 外语 > 英语 > 行业/职业英语 > 商务英语
外语 > 英语 > 翻译 《商务英语翻译教程》是专门为高职高专英语翻译教学所编写的。本着“实用为主、够用为度”的指导思想,按照外经贸工作的实际需求,针对高职高专学生的学习特点,本书将常用商务文本分为四大模块,以大量实例解析各种商务文本的翻译技巧。本书着重翻译实务,尽量使用通俗易懂的语言讲解较为抽象的翻译理论,力求使学生掌握实用的商务英语翻译能力。
《商务英语翻译教程》 适用于高职高专院校商务英语专业翻译课程教学,也可供国际贸易、国际商务等相关专业作为选修课之用,同时也可供从事翻译、外事、外经贸、旅游等涉外人员及有较好基础的英语自学者使用。 《商务英语翻译教程》
mole 1 merchant/investment inviting
task 1 name cards
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about name card
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 2 enterprise profile
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about enterprise profile
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 3 commercial advertisement
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about commercial advertisements
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
.follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
mole 2 foreign trade operations
task 4 business correspondence
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about business correspondence
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 5 instruction manual
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about instruction manual
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 6 business documents
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about business documents
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 7 business contract
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about business contract
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
mole 3 routine activities
task 8 routine files
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about rutine files
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 9 business travel
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about business travel
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 10 celebrations and press release
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about celebrations and press release
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 11 market investigation
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about market investigation
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do ityourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
mole 4 enterprise management-
task 12 office signs
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about office signs
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 13 application documents for studying abroad
warm-up: have a try
background: learn something about application documents
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
task 14 merger and acquisition
warm-up: havea try
background: learn something about merger and acquisition
discussion: talk about how to do the task well
follow-up: do it yourself
homework: practice makes perfect
extend your eyes
reference version

高启强与陈书婷结婚是哪一集 陈舒婷和高启强第几集结婚 高启强陈书婷结婚是第几集 高启强和陈书婷结婚是第几集 高启强和陈书婷第几集结的婚 狂飙高启强第几集和大嫂在一起的 2021年清明节时间(是公历几月几号) js中类似`${xx,xxxy}`的语句是什么意思? 用支付宝帐号注册的淘宝帐号但是淘宝显示未绑定支付宝帐号如图 银行黑户影响子女什么 ALIEN SWARM 运行出现d3d问题 有哪些生物是人类的老师 举个例子说明 星际争霸2能玩单机吗? 求CS丧尸版教程 急求实现多agent系统仿真的软件Swarm! 谁能帮我女儿想个小名,这2天就要出生了.好听点的 我想给我的小猫起个名字 公狗起名字 不用太文雅 赖名好养活 为什么说赖名好养活 那应该取个什么名字有利呢,求指点 取个赖名好养活,适合女孩用的赖名 起个赖名好养活是什么意思 蔡少芬给儿子起小名叫张鱼蛋,为何会有“赖名好养活”这个说法? 求好看的古装武打电视剧 有什么好看的古装电视剧 最好是搞笑的? 2001年中国有哪些好看的古装电视剧? 支付宝我删了对方对方没删我,对方怎么还可以发一字千金给我,我却不能发 她 浙江省体育专业最好的是那一所大学? 浙江杭州有什么好的体育院校? 同心县隆基新能源有限公司怎么样? 919是什么特殊日子吗 乐视手机414 618 919三个节日,哪个优惠力度最大? 如何评价本次乐视黑色919活动 乐视手机9.19最多优惠多少 乐视919活动能刷交通信用卡吗 乐视919的电视值得买么 "体育汪"为什么应该在919买一台乐视电视 我买的第一代乐视超级电视太卡了!919有没有以旧换新的活动? 上海纯公积金贷款首付比例 919乐码是什么,怎么得到 乐视送90个月会员,和长虹一样价格,买哪个好 乐视919可以用微信支付 乐视下半年还会搞这样的优惠活动吗 乐视超级电视超4 X55在画面表现力方面怎么样? 看乐视超级电视Zero65 Pro的外观很漂亮,产品配置方面怎么样? 919买的乐视1pro,感觉发热严重,电池不耐用,退货吗 1998年7月27日7点10分出生的今年的运气如何? 1998年1月2日生的女命这两年的运气如何? 生于1998,10.09今年运势 1998年公历11月1日运气怎么样