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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 17:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:31

I've forgotten something 有些事我都已忘记
But at present ,I can still remember 但我现在还记得  
One night ,my mother asked me在一个晚上我的母亲问我  
Why was I upset that day 今天怎么不开心  
I said there was a pair of shoes that I imagined 我说在我的想象中有一双滑板鞋  
It's in unique style,and it must be great to dance with it与众不同最时尚跳舞肯定棒  
I couldn't find it altough I had found all the streets of my city整个城市找遍所有的街都没有  She said that time will tell every truth 她说将来会找到的时间会给我答案  
On Sundat I went to find it but I failed again 星期天我再次寻找依然没有发现  
The next month, I went to a second city 一个月后我去了第二个城市  
People there call the city at the cidy of charm这里的人们称它为魅力之都  
Time went fast,night would fall soon 时间过的很快夜幕就要降临 
As far as I concerned ,it's the time for me to leave 我想我必须要离开  
However just at that time ,I saw a speciality stores 当我正要走时我看到了一家专卖店  
The shoes that I dreamed were really there 那就是我要的滑板鞋  
MY skating shoes are the most fashion one 我的滑板鞋时尚时尚最时尚  
At the way back to home I couldn't stop 回家的路上我情不自禁  
rubbing rubbing 摩擦 摩擦  
rubbing at such smooth floor在这光滑的地上摩擦  
With the moonlight ,I was able to see my shadow was either very close or far 月光下我看到自己的身影有时很远有时很近  
I felt that my step was forced by a kind ofstrength感到一种力量驱使我的脚步  
With the skating shoes ,I will not afraid anything around the world 有了滑板鞋天黑都不怕  One more and antoher ,another step and a third ,every one was just like zhuaya一步两步一步两步 一步一步似爪牙  
The motion which was like a ghost was rubbing and rubbing 似魔鬼的步伐 摩擦 摩擦  
I beat to beat for myself我给自己打着节拍  
It's the best moment of my life这是我生命中美好的时刻  
I'd got to finish my favorite dancing我要完成我最喜欢的舞蹈  
At the terrfic street where moonlight fall在这美丽的月光下在这美丽的街道上  
I told myself that it really wasn't dream我告诉自己这是真的这不是梦  
One more and antoher ,another step and a third ,every one was just like zhuaya 一步两步一步两步 一步一步似爪牙  
The gost step was rubbing and rubbing 似魔鬼的步伐 摩擦 摩擦  
rubbing at such smooth floor 在这光滑的地上摩擦  
The motion which was like a ghost was rubbing and rubbing 摩擦似魔鬼的步伐 似魔鬼的步伐  
One more and antoher ,another step and a third ,every one was just like zhuaya 一步两步一步两步 一步一步似爪牙  似魔鬼的步伐  
One more and antoher ,another step and a third ,every one was just like zhuaya摩擦 摩擦  在这光滑的地上摩擦  摩擦


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:32

some things I have forgotten,
But I still remember now:
one night my mother asked me:“
Why are you not happy today?”They are very different to others.
But They are the best skating shoes,
They are suitable for dancing.Mother said: “don’t worry ,you will find of them soon.”
She also said that time would give me the answer.After a month i went to another city which the local people called charming city.I thought that i must to leave.
When I was about to leave when I saw<span left-pos="30|15" right-pos="30|15" space
" style="color: rgbfont-family: arial; line-height: 22pxa store

That is what I want tospan left-posrightposspace
" class skate shoes
My skateboard shoes fashion fashion<span left-pos="101|9" right-pos="27|9" space="0| ,1|
class the most fashionable
span left-pos="101|9" right-pos space
class On the way home I be overcome by one's feelings

span left-posright-pos
Friction in the smoothspan left-posright-pos space
" class ground
span left-pos right-posspaceclass="high-light-bg" style="background-color: yellow; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">I saw your shadow in the moonlight
span left-pos right-pos space
classSometimes like sometimes very much
span left-posright-pos space
classFeel compelled to step

A skateboard shoes are not afraid of<span left-pos right-pos space
"> the dark
<span left-pos right-posspace
" class="high-light-bg" style="background-color: yellow; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">Step two step two step step step like minions
<span left-pos right-pos space
">Diabolical pace
<span left-posright-posspace
<span left-pos right-pos space
"> I give myself under the beat

<span left-posright-pos space
" classThis is the good moments in my life
<span left-pos" right-pos space
" classI will finish my most loving dance
<span left-pos right-pos space
" classn the beautiful moonlight on this beautiful street
<span left-pos right-pos space
" clas told myself it was true that you're not dreaming.
<span left-pos" right-pos space|
" classStep two step two step step step like minions
<span left-posright-pos space
">Diabolical pace
<span left-posright-pos= space
<span left-pos right-pos space
"> Friction in the smooth<span left-posright-pos space=
"> ground

<span left-pos" right-pos space
" class="">Friction as devils pace
<span left-pos right-pos space
" class="">Diabolical pace
<span left-posright-posspace
" class="">Step two step two step step step like minions
<span left-pos" right-pos space
">Diabolical pace
<span left-pos" right-posspace
Friction in the smooth<span left-pos166|6" right-pos" space
" classground
<span left-pos right-posspace

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:32

甘肃省企业职工退休工资调了吗 甘肃退休工资最高的市是哪个 甘肃省今年企业退休人员养老金怎么涨 三年级英语字体写哪种 英文手写体和衡水体用哪个好 高考英语必须用衡水体吗 高考英语最佳字体 武汉星河互娱《战斗吧!龙魂》攻略:百变龙魂,打造专属契约 战斗吧龙魂同类型游戏有哪些? 上海地铁公司现在辞职还需要30天?流程是什么?我是想辞职了就不上班了... 短视频拍摄是自己拍还是找专业的人拍? 深圳短视频拍摄如何收费? 哪首歌曲中,有 摩擦 摩擦 我的滑板鞋。的歌词 短视频广告拍摄制作一条龙包含策划、演员、道具、... 庞麦郎我的滑板鞋歌词有吗? 有一句歌词是:时间 时间 会给我答案...歌名是什么? 抖音上有演员和观众的短视频是怎样制作的 有一首歌,歌词是:我的滑板鞋,时尚时尚最时尚 这... 我的滑板鞋全歌词 短视频拍摄技巧大家知道吗? 关于我的滑板鞋歌词! 《我的滑板鞋》这首歌有什么含义? 我的滑板鞋的歌曲歌词 深圳短视频拍摄如何选择? 我的滑板鞋的歌词是什么? 抖音短视频用什么软件可以拍和明星合拍的视频 《我的滑板鞋》的歌词是什么? 我的滑板鞋歌词是什么? 《我的滑板鞋》的歌词 手机2k和1080p屏幕差别大吗 短视频拍摄机构哪家专业? 我的滑板鞋歌词什么意思 《我的滑板鞋》是怎么火起来的? 你能不能写出类似于我的滑板鞋那样的歌词吗? 我在公司上班,公司要求我做演员参与产品照片和短视... 如何评价约瑟翰·庞麦郎的《我的滑板鞋》 深圳短视频拍摄选择哪个好? 我的滑板鞋歌词中的魅力之都是哪里 我的滑板鞋云风川话歌词 我的滑板鞋 东北方言版歌词谁有,音乐我知道,就要... js怎么获取当前用户的ip地址 怎样迅速的理清别人写的pytho工程n 使用Node.js,怎样获取到用户的IP地址 这段pythoy代码中的!是什么意思? js或jquery获取浏览器端IP地址 pytho写if/else时怎么换行啊 python 解释本方法的实现原理? js如何获取当前用户访问的ip地址以及城市地 如何通过JS得到访问者的IP 如何用node.js 获取访问者的公网IP