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求高手翻译一篇论文摘要,感激不尽!!! 摘 要 本文对应变硅MOS界面特性进行了系统,深入的研究。 针对应

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 03:24



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 14:07

  In this paper, the interface characteristics of strained silicon MOS are studied.
  Based on the device structure of strained silicon MOS surface channel, a model of gate voltage and inverse layer minority carrier concentration is established. Through the analysis of this model, the capacitance-voltage characteristic of strained silicon MOS is studied. The results show that the energy band difference between the strain Si and relaxed SiGe heterojunction would limit the formation of electrons and holes. At room temperature, the C-V curve of strained silicon MOS has a step phenomenon in the depletion region or in the inversion region. The step changes with respect to the epitaxial layer doping concentration of the strain Si / relaxed SiGe.
  From the high-frequency C-V experiment results, the interface charge of the strain Si/SiO2 system and its influence on the interface characteristic are discussed. Finally, by improving and correcting the method of bulk silicon MOS high-frequency capacitance measurement, the interface state density of strain Si/SiO2 is measured and calculated.
  According to the device physics, a semi-empirical model of strained silicon n-MOSFET inversion channel electron mobility is proposed. The model takes the influence of the scattering factors (such as lattice, ionized impurity, surface phonon, interface charge and interface roughness ) on the channel mobility into account, and also includes the shielding effect of 反型electronic as well. Finally, the Matlab simulation is carried out, and simulation results are in complete accord with the experiment.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 14:08

Pick to
This paper strain silicon MOS interface characteristics of system, in-depth research.
Aiming at the common MOS strain silicon surface in gully device structure and established a bar pressure and trans layer between the minority carriers concentration of models. Based on this model, the paper studies the strain of capacitor voltage characteristic silicon MOS. The results show that the strain Si/relaxation SiGe heterojunction photonic bandgap sent on the electron and the formation of cavity restrictions, at ambient temperature, strain silicon MOS C V curve can run area one or trans area side of "bench" phenomenon, this "bench" phenomenon with strain Si/relaxation SiGe denotation layer of doping concentration changes.
Using the high frequency C strain silicon V experimental results, thoroughly discussed the strain Si/SiO2 system interface charge, points out its characteristics of interface is given, and the influence of the improvements. Finally, based on body silicon MOS high-frequency capacitance measurement method improvement and corrections, measured and calculated the strain Si/SiO2 interface interface state density.
In the device physics, was presented based on the strain simi-emperical silicon n - MOSFET trans channel electronic mobility model. The model considers the lattice, from change impurities, surface phonons, interface charge and interfacial rough, etc in gully mobility mechanism on the scattering of influence, and considers the trans electronic shielding effect, finally use of Matlab software are simulated, and the simulation results with experiments with a very good match.

Keywords: strain silicon MOS C V characteristics interface state reliability

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 14:08

Common for the strained silicon surface channel MOS device structure, established a gate voltage and inversion layer carrier concentration among a small number of models. Through the analysis of this model to study the strained silicon MOS capacitance-voltage characteristics. The results show that the strain Si / relaxed SiGe heterojunction energy band differential would limit the formation of electrons and holes at room temperature, the CV curves of strained silicon MOS depletion region in the inversion region on one side or the side of a " step "phenomenon, this" step "in the strain Si / relaxed SiGe epitaxial layer doping concentration changes.
Strained silicon with the high-frequency CV results, in-depth discussion of the strain Si/SiO2 system interface charge, points out the characteristics of the interface also shows the improvement measures. Finally, through the bulk silicon MOS high-frequency capacitance measurement method improvement and correction, measured and calculated strain Si/SiO2 interface, the interface state density.
On the basis of the device physics, a semi-empirical strained silicon n-MOSFET inversion channel electron mobility model. The model considers the lattice, ionized impurity, surface phonon, interface charge and interface roughness scattering mechanisms on the channel mobility, and to consider the anti-shielding effect of electronic Finally, the simulation using Matlab software, simulation and experiment has a very good match.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 14:09


In this paper, the interface characteristics of strained silicon MOS system, in-depth study.
Common for the strained silicon surface channel MOS device structure, established a gate voltage and inversion layer carrier concentration among a small number of models. Through the analysis of this model to study the strained silicon MOS capacitance-voltage characteristics. The results show that the strain Si / relaxed SiGe heterojunction energy band differential would limit the formation of electrons and holes at room temperature, the CV curves of strained silicon MOS depletion region in the inversion region on one side or the side of a "Step "phenomenon, this"step "in the strain Si / relaxed SiGe epitaxial layer doping concentration changes.
Strained silicon with the high-frequency CV results, in-depth discussion of the strain Si/SiO2 system interface charge, points out the characteristics of the interface also shows the improvement measures. Finally, through the bulk silicon MOS high-frequency capacitance measurement method improvement and correction, measured and calculated strain Si/SiO2 interface, the interface state density.
On the basis of the device physics, a semi-empirical strained silicon n-MOSFET inversion channel electron mobility model. The model considers the lattice, ionized impurity, surface phonon, interface charge and interface roughness Scattering mechanisms on the channel mobility, and to consider the anti-shielding effect of electronic Finally, the simulation using Matlab software, simulation and experiment has a very good match.

Keywords: Strained silicon MOS, Capacitance-Voltage, interface state, reliability

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 14:10

This paper strain silicon MOS interface characteristics of system, in-depth research.
Aiming at the common MOS strain silicon surface in gully device structure and established a bar pressure and trans layer between the minority carriers concentration of models. Based on this model, the paper studies the strain of capacitor voltage characteristic silicon MOS. The results show that the strain Si/relaxation SiGe heterojunction photonic bandgap sent on the electron and the formation of cavity restrictions, at ambient temperature, strain silicon MOS C V curve can run area one or trans area side of "bench" phenomenon, this "bench" phenomenon with strain Si/relaxation SiGe denotation layer of doping concentration changes.
Using the high frequency C strain silicon V experimental results, thoroughly discussed the strain Si/SiO2 system interface charge, points out its characteristics of interface is given, and the influence of the improvements. Finally, based on body silicon MOS high-frequency capacitance measurement method improvement and corrections, measured and calculated the strain Si/SiO2 interface interface state density.
In the device physics, was presented based on the strain simi-emperical silicon n - MOSFET trans channel electronic mobility model. The model considers the lattice, from change impurities, surface phonons, interface charge and interfacial rough, etc in gully mobility mechanism on the scattering of influence, and considers the trans electronic shielding effect, finally use of Matlab software are simulated, and the simulation results with experiments with a very good match.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 14:10

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