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热心网友 时间:2022-02-25 20:50

Quality of Fresh meat packaged in modified atmosphere depends largely on the initial bacterial load (Christopher, Seideman, Carpenter, Smith, & Vanderzant, 1979). Therefore, various decontamination proceres are being applied in the instries. Organic acid treatment is one of them. Organic acids depending upon their chemical nature vary in their antibacterial properties, while the acceptability of the proct also influences on the selection of the acids (Doores, 1993; Brody, 2000). Lactic acid which does not have undesirable odor forming effect even at 5% level application in lamb carcass (Smulders, 1987), is one of the widely used acid decontaminants in meat instry.
在改良环境中包装起来的鲜肉质量主要取决于初期的细菌的载量(克里斯多佛Christopher, 赛德曼Seideman, 卡彭特 Carpenter, 史密斯Smith, 和 范德扎特Vanderzant, 1979)。因此,企业中正使用多种各种净化程序。不用化学物质和处理是其中之一。依赖其化学本性的有机酸在其抗菌特性方面有差异,而产品的接受能力也会对酸的选择有影响(道尔思Doores, 1993;布鲁迪Brody, 2000)。在羊的宰杀中,形成5%的稳定敷用结果的没有令人不快气味的乳酸 (斯穆尔德尔斯Smulders, 1987)是一种肉类加工业中广泛使用净化剂。

The use of lactic acid to decontaminate for the carcass in the earlier period (1–2 days after slaughter) is better than in the later period (more than 2 days after slaughter) because the effect of lactic acid on the color might not be severe at early higher pH and also the bacterial load which needs to be lowered would also be lower (Firstenberg-Eden, 1981). The initial microflora would not get chance to multiply if it is treated earlier, and also the organisms are more resistant to organic acid when the time gap between acid treatment and slaughter is increased (Snijders, Van logtestijn, Mossel, & Smulders, 1985). And also the bacterial number and its maturity are lower in the beginning (Baird-Parker, 1980).

因为乳酸外观上的效果在较高的pH值方面不会严重,而且需要降低的细菌载量也是较低的,所以为达到屠体早期净化目的而使用乳酸(屠宰后1–2 天)比后期(屠宰后2 天以上)使用更为有效(佛斯特伯格-伊扽Firstenberg-Eden, 1981)。如果初期的微生物丛在早期处理就不会有机会繁殖,而且在酸处理和宰杀之间的时间差增加时生物体会更好地抵抗有机酸(Snijders, Van logtestijn, Mossel, & Smulders, 1985). 同时细菌数量和完全发育在开始时也是较低的。

On the other hand, the sufficient post mortem storage of the meat (24 h or more) and then application of lactic acid could cause severe drop in pH which eventually imparts adverse effect on the color stability of the meat. Sufficient literatures are not available to forecast accurately about the effectiveness of applying lactic acid earlier or at later time, but it is frequently stated that the early application of the lactic acid is more effective than the later treatment (Smulders, 1987; Bell, 2001). It has been reported that the effect of lactic acid in the rection of some pathogenic organisms such as Salmonella (Van Netten, Mossel, & Huis In t Veld, 1995) and Campylobacter spp. (Epling, Carpenter, & Blankenship, 1993). It has potential to rece the microbial load to some extent (Beimuller, Carpenter, & Reynolds, 1973).

另一方面,充分的滞后的肉类储量(24 小时或更多)和乳酸的敷用会致使最终影响肉的颜色稳定效果的pH值的剧烈降低。没有足够的文献资料提供精确预测早期使用乳酸的功效,但是常可以说明早使用比晚处理有效(斯穆尔德尔斯, 1987; 贝尔, 2001)。据报道在减少诸如沙门氏菌(范•内顿Van Netten, 莫斯尔Mossel和惠思•In t•维尔德 Huis Veld, 1995)和空肠弯曲杆菌 (易普灵Epling, 卡彭特Carpenter和布兰肯西普 Blankenship, 1993)等一些致病的有机体方面的乳酸作用…(原文后面缺少谓语部分)。某种程度上减少细菌引起的负载是可能的(贝穆勒Beimuller,卡帕特 Carpenter和来诺尔兹 Reynolds, 1973)。

It has been tested for the fresh beef. However, the use of lactic acid decontamination of the fresh pork chops (indivial cuts) has not been carried out yet, especially the meat without allowing 24 h postmortem storage. It is expected that the acid treatment can improve the microbial safety and rece the spoilage organisms leading to enhanced shelf life in modified atmosphere.


Therefore, the objective of this work is to find the appropriate concentration of lactic acid for decontamination pretreatment of the fresh pork cuts packed in the modified atmosphere and to observe the effect on color and lipid oxidation.


热心网友 时间:2022-02-25 22:08

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