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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 15:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 17:17

Profit is profit enterprises in the prior period of time the total amount of the final results of operations of enterprise, as business in general is based on the performance evaluation of financial indicators, of which the profit is often the most important indicator. Therefore, many enterprises in order to create a good business performance, and establish good corporate external image, using fictitious sales revenue, or fictitious sales contracts, related party transactions carried out by means of fraud inflated profits profits of an enterprise, disrupted the market competition order to deceive investors, ...... mislead the harm caused by the allocation of resources is very serious. This paper describes the purpose of the enterprise inflated profits, methods, and inflated profits of business in the method often used to aggregate, through case analysis, summarized in inflated profits, business methods, and use reasonable and appropriate audit approach for enterprise conct audits of inflated profits to prevent corporate fraud and audit risk.

Key words: inflated profits, the audit, methods, profit fraud.

Title: Enterprise inflated profits of audit approach

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 17:18


热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 17:18

Profit is profit enterprises in the prior period of time the total amount of the final results of operations of enterprise, as business in general is based on the performance evaluation of financial indicators, of which the profit is often the most important indicator. Therefore, many enterprises in order to create a good business performance, and establish good corporate external image, using fictitious sales revenue, or fictitious sales contracts, related party transactions carried out by means of fraud inflated profits profits of an enterprise, disrupted the market competition order to deceive investors, ...... mislead the harm caused by the allocation of resources is very serious. This paper describes the purpose of the enterprise inflated profits, methods, and inflated profits of business in the method often used to aggregate, through case analysis, summarized in inflated profits, business methods, and use reasonable and appropriate audit approach for enterprise conct audits of inflated profits to prevent corporate fraud and audit risk.

Key words: inflated profits, the audit, methods, profit fraud.

Title: Enterprise inflated profits of audit approach

回答者: Oo埋葬灵魂oO - 六级 2010-3-28 12:33

检举 Profit is profit enterprises in the prior period of time the total amount of the final results of operations of enterprise, as business in general is based on the performance evaluation of financial indicators, of which the profit is often the most important indicator. Therefore, many enterprises in order to create a good business performance, and establish good corporate external image, using fictitious sales revenue, or fictitious sales contracts, related party transactions carried out by means of fraud inflated profits profits of an enterprise, disrupted the market competition order to deceive investors, to mislead the allocation of resources. the damage is very serious. This paper describes the purpose of the enterprise inflated profits, methods,
And to inflate the profits of business in the method often used to aggregate, through case analysis, summarized in inflated profits, business methods, and use reasonable and appropriate audit approach for the conct audits of companies inflated profits to prevent corporate fraud and audit risk.

Key words: inflated profits, the audit, methods, profit fraud.

Title: Enterprise inflated profits of audit approach

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 17:19

Profit is the enterprise in a given period of time in advance of the profits, is the ultimate business results, because enterprise performance assessment is generally based on financial indicators, where profit is often the most important indicators. Therefore, many enterprises in order to create a good business performance, establishing good corporate external image, using the fictitious sales revenue or fictitious sales contracts, by correlating transaction profit corruption means false corporate profits, disrupting the market competition order, cheating investors, misleading resource configuration ... ... damage is considerable. This article primarily describes false profits of enterprises aims, methods, and enterprises in false profits often approach to summarize, the analysis of the case, inctive Enterprise false profits, using reasonable appropriate audit approach to enterprise false of the audit, to protect against corporate abuse and audit risk. Key words: false profits, audit, method, profit fraud. Subject: Enterprise false profits of auditing methods

Key words: false profits, audit, method, profit fraud.

Subject: Enterprise false profits of auditing methods

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 17:20

Profit is the profit ring a given period the total amount in advance, is the business end of operating results, e to business performance evaluation is generally based on financial indicators, of which profits are often the most important indicator. Therefore, many enterprises in order to create a good business performance, and establish good corporate external image, using fictitious sales or fictitious sales contract, related transactions by means of fraud inflated profits profits of an enterprise, disturb the market competition order to deceive investors, mislead the allocation of resources ...... harm is very serious. In this paper, the purpose of the enterprise inflated profits, methods, and on the company inflated profits in the methods commonly used to aggregate, through case analysis, to conclude the inflated profits of the method, the use of reasonable and appropriate audit approach for enterprise conct audits inflated profits to prevent corporate fraud and audit risk.

Key words: inflated profits, the audit, methods, profit fraud.

Title: Business inflated profits method of audit

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 17:20

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