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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 19:12



热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 07:20

Flower Expo这就是花博会的意思。。。。。。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 07:21

花博会Flower Expo花博会广场
Expo Plaza

热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 07:21

Flower Expo

热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 07:22

General Introction of Yanling County
As a national grain and cotton proction base,Yanling is developed in agriculture with wheat,cotton,bean,peanuts and tobacco as its main procts and flowers and plants as its speciality."Peerless Winterstweet",a saying well-known at home and abroad.With 50000 mus of the flower planting area and 2000 specifices and 470 million yuans of an annual proction value,the county becomes the flowers and plants proction and sale base in the Northern China and the exchange centre between the southern and the northern .Also as the cow and pigfeeding base,it develops the livestock with cow,pig,sheep,chicken as the main feedings.
Taking good advantages of its agricutural resources,Yanling develops energetically agriculturalized instry.By the present time it has 5 backborn instries as textile,foodstaff,building materials,machinery and chemistry.Yaohuachun Wine manufactured by Yaohuachun Drinks Group gained awards in the international fairs and in the province and ministry,In additions,many other procts have been granted famous brands at the home markets.The township enterprises develops extraordinaryly rapid.One thousand and humdred enterprises with 76000 employees creats new increasing value for the county.
The construction of the county's infrastructural facilities has made a great progress.Communications are convenient,water and electricity supply sufficient,and enviroment protection high-quality.The high-tech development zone with 25000 km^2 of a land area will offer complete functions to the investors at home and abroad.Till now there are 86 introced projects within the zone with a total investment of 360 million yuan.
Yanling County has abundant tourist resources.Among them are there Xu You's Tomb,Qianming Temple Tower,Xingguo Temple Tower, Gan Luo's old Cypress and etc.
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