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英语成语故事 要有翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 20:51



热心网友 时间:2023-12-18 13:22

Sweat is HuoGuang, emperor han commander-in-chief of TuoGu ministers, drinking eight years of emperor han style-came kisen, ruling pomp very heavy. HuoGuang nearby have a call YangChang people, act is timid, popular with HuoGuang recognition, rose to prime minister position, seal for anping syndrome. Actually, YangChang humanness cowardly incompetence, timid, not when the prime minister of the material. 74 B.C., was only twenty one-year-old han emperor died.both in WeiYangGong kisen, with all the princes HuoGuang counsel, chose the emperor's grandson made WangLiuHe nearbu heir. Behold LiuHe ascended the mid-north song and dance, often pleasure-resorts. HuoGuang heard later, anxieties, and bike ride general ZhangAn births, TianYanNian secret counsel, on to nullify LiuHe, set up other Yin jun. After TianYanNian HuoGuangPa goading agreed to jointly YangChang, tell gun. YangChang all of a sudden, she was scared to sweat, panic, just something indistinctly fence. YangChang wife, is TaiShiGong sima qian's daughter, quite have the guts. She saw her husband shilly-shally appearance, secretly worried, while TianYanNian change clothes walk away, infero-anterior advised her husband and said, "National affairs, will shilly-shally. General has ChengYi, you should also chosin reservoir, otherwise inevitable difficult ahead." YangChang step back and forth in the house, but had no acid attention. Just at this time TianYanNian back, SiMaFu people avoid inferior, straight-tempered without embarrassment and TianYanNian meet, told TianYanNian, her husband willing to listen to the general's command. TianYanNian after listening pleased to take leave walk. TianYanNian returns HuoGuang, HuoGuang very satisfied. YangChang brought all the princes immediately arrange table, playing please dowager. The next day, YangChang advice, ernie see luang nearbu king unbearable successin statement of reason. Queen letter removed immediately LiuHe, another sign of emperor of the once SunLiu enquiry for jun, was said han XuanDi.

Idioms citations, han shu YangChang biography of our afraid, not words. Jia sweated back ACTS yes just.
Idioms interpretations ", "Jia drenched, sweating much soaked backbone. Describe sweat. Also describe extreme fear or ashamed excessive.
汗流浃背 汉大将军霍光,是汉武帝的托孤重臣,辅佐八岁即位的汉昭帝执政,威势很重。霍光身边有个叫杨敞的人,行事谨小慎微,颇受霍光赏识,升至丞相职位,封为安平候。其实,杨敞为人懦弱*,胆小怕事,根本不是当丞相的材料。公元前74年,年仅廿一岁的汉昭帝驾崩于未央宫,霍光与众臣商议,选了汉武帝的孙子昌邑王刘贺作继承人。谁知刘贺继位后,经常宴饮歌舞,寻欢作乐。霍光听说后,忧心忡忡,与车骑将军张安世、大司马田延年秘密商议,打算废掉刘贺,另立贤君。计议商定后,霍光派田延年告诉杨敞、以便共同行事。杨敞一听,顿时吓得汗流浃背,惊恐万分,只是含含糊糊,不置可否。杨敞的妻子,是太史公司马迁的女儿,颇有胆识。她见丈夫犹豫不决的样子,暗暗着急,趁田延年*走开时,上前劝丈夫说;“国家大事,岂能犹豫不决。大将军已有成议,你也应当速战速决,否则必然太难临头。”杨敞在房里来回酸步,却拿不定注意。正巧此时田延年回来,司马夫人回避不及,索性大大方方地与田延年相见,告知田延年,她丈夫愿意听从大将军的吩咐。田延年听了后高兴地告辞走了。田延年回报霍光,霍光十分满意,马上安排杨敞领众臣上表,奏请皇太后。第二天,杨敞与群臣遏见皇太后,陈述昌邑王不堪继承王位的原因。太后立即下诏废去刘贺,另立汉武帝的曾孙刘询为君,史称汉宣帝。


热心网友 时间:2023-12-18 13:22

Once there lived an old man in a mountain village. He was a famous hunter(猎人). He often went hunting along the mountains. He was not afraid of any wild animals, even a tiger.
One night, someone saw a tiger come into the village, and stole two sheep away. The next night the tiger came again. The villagers were frightened. They asked the old hunter to catch it so that they could have a safe life.
When the old man heard about the tiger, he thought hard. He wondered why the tiger came at night twice but only stole the sheep. The next night he walked about outside the village. Suddenly he saw the tiger coming. He quickly threw himself on the ground. To his surprise, the tiger did not come at him, but went away. He followed it quietly and found it was running on two of its feet just like a man. Then everything was clear.
On the fourth day, when it got dark, the hunter took some animal skins(皮)with him and hid himself behind a big tree near the village. He was waiting for the “tiger”. As soon as the “tiger” came near the tree, the old hunter jumped out, caught the “tiger” by the “leg” and said, “Don’t be afraid. I do not mean to hurt you. You know who I am, don’t you?”
The “tiger” said “Yes” and took off the tiger’s skin.
“You’re poor. But you mustn’t steal anything from others. Here are some animal skins for you. You may sell them at the market. With the money, you can tuy food and clothes for your family. Work harder and try to to make a living.” With tears in his eyes, the poor man thanked the kind-hearted old hunter and walked home.
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