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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 04:38



热心网友 时间:2024-04-17 06:17

One day,Jack and Tom were playing football at the small playground in the Center Park.Suddently they saw an old lady got faint and there were no one else to ask for help.Tom wanted to go away immediately.But Jack stoped him and said,we should help her.You can see she is so old as our grandmother,if your family people got trouble outside,wound't you want them get help?And helping others is the traditional virtue in China,it should be passed along.Tom knew he was wrong and bowes down blushed.So he ran to the gate of the park to ask for a taxi and took the old grandmother to the nearest hostiple with Jack.They didn't go untill the grandmother's family people arrived.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-17 06:18

I read a stroy from newspaper.The stroy said:Two little boys went outside and palyed happy.Suddenly,an old grandma fell down in a faint.One of the boy wants to go,but another boy called him.The boy said:"we don't do like this.This behaviour is wrong!"And then one of the little boy konwed with red face.At last,they sent the grandma to the hospitical.From this stroy,I have a good recognization.To help others is aslo to help yourself.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-17 06:18

Two small boys go out to play, see an old lady fainted, one of the little boy wanted to go, but another boy stopped him. This is wrong. And then the boy blushed know her mistake. Finally they took her taken to hospital. General after that. Hope to meet the students to write a composition of grade 3.
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