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中英文摘要 帮我翻译一下 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 06:47



热心网友 时间:2024-05-01 05:40

This divides into the spectrum and the energy level structure two parts.The hydrogen atom spectrum's developing process and the experiment rule have important to atomic structure's research do use.How did the synthesis elaborate Bohr according to the hydrogen atom spectrum experiment rule and Planck, in Einstein's quantum theory introction atom, thus draws out the energy level rule, the Bohr atom theory's success has triggered the people to the atomic phenomenon and the atomic structure widespread deep research, promoted the atomic physics development.Had proven according to this theory Urey has discovered the hydrogen isotope deuterium existence, however the Bohr theory's further development encounters the insurmountable difficulty, it is unable to process compared to the hydrogen atom slightly for the complex spot helium atom, also inextricability light spectral line intensity question and non-fetter system's question; The Bohr theory also is only the quantal concept and the classical theory mix, theoretically appears is not very harmonious.These question's further discussion, causes the quantum mechanics the establishment.
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