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Mae的《runaway》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 19:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 15:36

专辑:destination: beautiful

I take a ride to the other side cause it feels so nice just to drive and drive and drive.
I'd make amends for the other night if you'd be here with me holding me tight. I
s this the chance when we fly away?
Cause I need to know if I'm coming back.
I push and pull just to get what I want.
In the end I should know that you bring it all to me.
Reach out, you can go overboard if you want to.
In and out, don't lose control, don't lose control.
Just don't take it back.
And I get so close, but I runaway, I runaway.
The things I fear the most, keep me here to stay, but anyway.
Can we try for right now, free of doubt.
If you give the chance I could try and figure out.
I'm kind of scared because I don't know how.
But I'm watching the close calls and catching my breath now.
There could be time when I'd fly away.
But you need to know that I'm coming back.
Don't want to push and pull anymore, just to get what I want, when you bring it all to me.
Reach out, you can go overboard if you want to.
In and out, don't lose control, don't lose control.
Just don't take it back.
And I get so close, but I runaway, I runaway.
The things I fear the most, keep me here to stay, but anyway.
You said you always wanted someone to tell you it's ok.
Well, I guess it's my chance to tell everyone everything.
Can we talk about this?
Give me the chance and we'll fly away.
Can we walk around this?
Give me the chance and we'll fly away.
And I get so close, but I runaway, I runaway.
The things I fear the most, keep me here to stay, but anyway.
Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway

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