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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 21:38



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 13:59

Organizational structure of the so-called hotel, the hotel business is that in order to adapt to the environment and its changes, and effectively carry out business activities, to achieve organizational goals and the establishment of the internal distribution of powers and responsibilities of collaboration and division of labor system is a series of posts (or position) clear formal interpersonal structure
(1) the factors affecting organizational structure
Organizational structure is a function of the carrier organizations, the organizational structure can be reasonably protected organizational operating efficiency and order. Factors affecting organizational structure, including:

1. Organizational objectives and business strategy. Different organizational objectives and business strategy, decided to organize the function of the design, resulting different organizational structure. Changes in strategic focus, it is necessary to adjust functional design, and innovation and thereby adjusting the organizational structure.

2. Environment. Any organization as a unit of society, exists in a certain environment. Organizations external environmental factors, including socio-economic, political, cultural, and natural environment, and social structure of demand, the target market, instry competition, and so on, all of the organization's goals and strategic choices have an impact, but also to the internal structure of the organization the way affected.

3. Organization's technical. The event organized by the use of a certain technology and reflect a certain level of material and technical means to carry out. Technology and the level of technology and equipment not only affect the activities of effectiveness and efficiency, but also will affect the activities of the Organization contents, methods, functions and positions set. For example, information processing, computerized form of the organization's structure and methods of work people have had a profound impact.

4. Organization scale. Is the scale of impact of the organizational structure factors. A small hotel and could not form the structure of the large-scale structure of the hotel exactly the same.

5. Stage of development in which organizations. Organization structure of the organization has also been the stage of development of their impact. Organizations, in their different stages of development (American scholar j. Thomas cannon proposed five stages of organizational development, "five stages" as a "pioneering work", "functions", "separation of powers", the "staff surge" and the "recentralization stage" ), called for the establishment of the organization in line with the structure and morphology.

Official hotel for organizational restructuring and re-design of the main reasons, from organizational objectives and business strategy adjustments, as well as changes in the external environment.
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