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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 20:34



热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 18:49

"The objective conditions is not changed, can only change yourself." See this sentence, I recognized that is the truth. As a junior high school student learning is a top priority. But I give parents play has made a lot of trouble. Deal with the books all day, but the play is necessary, I will persist. The ancients cloud: fish and bear's paw cake and have it. But I don't believe the truth is, I will try to thank. Fish and bear's paw to all my bag! I want to learn to play and don't give up. But this time I again wrong, don't learn together, playing a hope. In these circumstances, I chose one, I began to study the change and become a good study darling female. In my eyes, you are learning the gold medal, in order to you, I change yourself! To the moon and stars twinkling in the sun and the moon, the clouds hide themselves, to cover themselves, and to rain clouds and show myself to the earth, and bury themselves raindrops, and you? You have to change your own? For you, I still to change myself...客观条件是不可改变的,能改变的只有自己。”看到这句话时,我认定了这是真理。 身为一名初中生,学习是首要任务。但贪玩的我给父母制造了不少麻烦。整天与书本打交道是必不可少的,但玩我也要坚持到底。古人云:鱼和熊掌不可兼得。但我不信这是真理,我到偏偏要试一试。鱼和熊掌我要全包!就与我要学习且不放弃玩一样。但这次我又错了,学习没弄好,玩也没了指望。在这种环境下,我选择了其中一样——学习,我开始努力的改变,变成一个好好学习的乖乖女。 学习,你是我眼中的金牌,为了你,我改变自己! 星星为了月亮而闪烁自己,月亮为了太阳而隐藏自己,太阳为了乌云而遮掩自己,乌云为了雨滴而展现自己,雨滴为了大地而埋没自己,而你呢?你曾为了你的你而改变过自己吗? 为了你,我仍努力的改变自己……

改变自己英语作文一:Changing Ourselves From my point of view, we should change ourselves when the situation can’t be changed any more. Difficulties hide in every corner of our life so we have to face them at times. But the problem is that we sometimes are not able to change ...


because every coin has two sides. But sometimes we need to change, because it is good for us. Sometimes we will meet some difficult or uncomfortable situation. When we are not able to change it,


I can make my life more wonderful.关于改变自己英语作文七年级4 Two years ago, I was a bad child, I didn’t listen to what my parents told me, I do against what they expect me to do. One day, I go home very late, my mother is very angry, but she says nothing. A...


I recognized that is the truth. As a junior high school student learning is a top priority. But I give parents play has made a lot of trouble. Deal with the books all day, but the play is necessary,

英语作文 改变自己的一个毛病(不利影响 怎么克服)

One thing i would like to change about myself Things in the world are changing. People are changing and every creature is changing. Changing is a neutral word. We can’t judge it is good or bad in general, because every coin has two sides. But sometimes we need to ...

以 我将怎样改变自己 为题的英语作文

things are always changing faster than you expect, consequently, your aim should be fixed accordingly. Give up one thing could benifit you more at another points. In addition, one's aim could be easily set far beyond one's ability, especially when he thinks "Never give up" mean...


then, I become a good child.两年前,我是一个坏小孩,我不听父母的话,做违背他们意愿的事。一天,我很晚回到家里,妈妈很生气,但是她什么也不说。一开始,我很高兴,第二天早上,妈妈仍然不理我,我开始觉得很孤单,哭着道歉。妈妈微笑着说我应该改变自己,从此以后,我变成了一个好孩子。


Honestly speaking, in order to find a possible good job, it is an ideal way for most of us to go to college.Howerer, we should realize that what matters in finding a job is not just the college diploma, but what we learn or acquire in college. Ont the other hand, as ...


My Changes 我的变化 Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine.It’s also the last year of middle school.Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam.From this semester, I get up earlier than before ...


Changing one's height is a challenging endeavor. Our genetic predisposition dictates our height, making it challenging to alter this innate characteristic. However, factors such as diet and environmental conditions can influence height. Ensuring adequate rest, a nutritious diet rich in ...

关于改变自己的英语作文 改变自己的英语作文80词 改变不了他我想改变自己 英语作文《我的改变》 关于改变工作的英语作文 一件改变我的事英语作文 我的改变英语作文初三 一次改变英语作文 以改变为题的英语作文
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