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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 16:41



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 19:46


  The polyvinyl-chloride is in the world one of output biggest plastic procts, the price is cheap, the application is widespread, polyvinyl chloride for white or buff color powder. May join the different chemical additive according to the different use, the igelite may present the different physical property and the mechanical properties. Joins the right amount plasticizer in the polyvinyl chloride, may make many kinds of flinty, the soft nature and the transparent proct. The Pvc window is in the flinty proct one kind, it is one kind of new building material, its wooden window and the metal window are anti-corrosive, does not need the paint maintenance maintenance; Compares the aluminum alloy and metal window heat-insulated, the sound insulation, the sealing property is good, moreover the outward appearance is gorgeous, may be coordinated with each kind of building phase.
  this design from the polyvinyl-chloride different molding's raw material choice, the compound design, the proction method, the technical process, the material balance, the major installation shaping and the technological parameter determined that and so on aspects carry on the comprehensive elaboration and the computation. This design even more unifies the actual situation and the current technical development, gave up the ancient mixed method and squeezes out the method. Used hotly united the mixer coldly, caused the mix even more full moreover the even more convenience to be quick; This design also used the double screw rod extruding machine to carry on the direct extrusion molding, made the flow more automated, the step to be simpler, the efficiency to be higher.
  the present PVC instry is rapid in the world development, the prospect is broad, various countries favor PVC the potential as well as it to the ecological environment advantage, PVC by its superior, the unique performance to the common people were proving that its function and the status are the present any other procts are unable to substitute, the social development needs it, the environmental protection needs it, it is our human society civilization progressive inevitable trend.
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