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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 18:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 03:11

with you with this heart is very happy
to stay with you the world and nothing boring things
all the wet weather turned fine is absolutely a good mood
every stare that the care of my eyes
this can not be together how to you
and aftertaste and you done all the things
I portrait do a more distinctive
look forward to quickly meet again and talk you listen to
favorite is moving in your life because of you
I miss you late at night up to dawn
often feel self day and night count date
when day to rece you look like century is
still the favorite firm self-sustaining love you
mediastinal Miles heart with you fly
you please treasure lonely you do not swing to
sweet dreams to arm wind and rain fly night waiting for
you , you I longitudinal with Heart echoes the
letter, you said similar things
won are equal to zero
if not to love forever
favorite is the next to take care of moving your life because of you
I miss you late at night up to dawn
often feel self- described world light day and night to date to
rece the time you look like century
is still the favorite is your firm self-sustaining love you
mediastinal Miles heart with you fly
you please treasure lonely you will swing to the
sweet dreams in the arm wind and rain fly and more late and so on you
Every little thing every little baby
Every time when I miss you baby
Everyday everyday everyday I Hoo, hoo, be together
Every little thing every little baby
Every time when I miss you Baby
Everyday everyday everyday I'm always looking for
favorites of your life moving because of you
I miss you late at night up to dawn
often feel self day and night count date and
rece the time you look like century is
still the favorite firm self-sustaining love you
mediastinal Miles heart you fly
you treasure lonely you will swing
to sweet dreams arm with flying points with
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