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初二英语演讲稿 题目:Reading makes my life colorful(3分钟左右)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 18:44



热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 04:04


"Read the book! Enjoy reading it!" I am pleased to say. Finally heading for the weekend, early in the job finished, I sat down in the tall bookcase in front of my house.
I am an ordinary girl, but my biggest hobby is reading, is a veritable "little avid reader." Every day I have in the "Book of the Ocean" in the dip, reading has become essential to my day job, the book and I have forged a strong friendship. Mom sometimes joke that I and the book is "One day not seeing, such as every Sanqiu."
Some students said that reading more boring ah, not at all good-looking TV. But I think if the mood with a sincere look at these words, they will move, make you feel wonderful immersive. You see, while, naughty wind blowing my boundless sea, the twinkling of an eye I was a mermaid; while I was lying on the forest grass, and small animals to start a fun game; while I came to the high mountains, and Baiyun Xian son chat ... ...
Let me read into the magical Hogwarts school of magic, and Harry Potter _ together, waving the magic wand to challenge the evil Lord Voldemort; reading so I came to dwarf the country's knowledge of the maze, and with elf answer a variety of strange problems and enjoy the happiness break through the barrier; reading so I got the space shuttle, through time and space, and the Blue Cat, naughty to explore the mystery of the dinosaur age ... ...
Reading, let me open the wings of imagination, which not only brought me joy, make my life colorful, but it broadened my horizons and increase my knowledge, I became a student in the eyes of the "small Wikipedia. " I really benefited a lot to read. Students, let us open the wings of imagination, the "reading" in the end it!
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