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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 18:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 16:01

Orifice Meter is also known as differential pressure flowmeter is determined by a test piece (cutting pieces) and the second device (differential pressure transmitter and flow indicator), is widely used in gas, steam and liquid flow measurements. 具有结构简单,维修方便,性能稳定,使用可靠等特点。 Has a simple structure, easy maintenance, stable performance, reliable and so on.

详细介绍:一、概述孔板流量计又称为差压式流量计,是由一次检测件(节流件)和二次装置(差压变送器和流量显示仪)组成,广泛应用于气体、蒸汽和液体的流量测量。 Details: First, an overview of orifice flow meter is also known as differential pressure flowmeter is determined by a test piece (cutting pieces) and the second device (differential pressure transmitter and flow indicator), is widely used in gas , steam and liquid flow measurement. 具有结构简单,维修方便,性能稳定,使用可靠等特点。 Has a simple structure, easy maintenance, stable performance, reliable and so on. 孔板节流装置是标准节流件可不需标定直接依照国家标准生产,1.国家标准GB2624-81<流量测量节流装置的设计安装和使用;2.国际标准ISO5167<国际标准组织规定的各种节流装置;3.化工部标准GJ516-87-HK06。 Standard orifice plate throttle device is no need to cut expenditure items can be calibrated directly in accordance with national standards of proction, 1. The national standard GB2624-81 <flow measurement throttling device design and installation and use; 2. The international standard ISO5167 <all the provisions of the International Standards Organization kinds of throttling device; 3. Ministry of Chemical Instry Standard GJ516-87-HK06. 二、工作原理充满管道的流体流经管道内的节流装置,在节流件附近造成局部收缩,流速增加,在其上、下游两侧产生静压力差。 2, the working principle of fluid flowing through the pipeline is full of pipes inside the throttle device, in the vicinity of cutting pieces of partial contraction caused by a flow rate of increase in its upstream and downstream sides of static pressure difference. 在已知有关参数的条件下,根据流动连续性原理和伯努利方程可以推导出差压与流量之间的关系而求得流量。 Known under the conditions of the relevant parameters, according to a continuous flow principle and Bernoulli's equation can be deced travel between pressure and flow relationships obtained flow.

测理原理:充满管道的流体流经经节流元件,流束装在节流处局部收缩从而使流速增加,静压力降低,于是在节流处前后产生静压力差,流体流速越大,在节流前后产生的静压力越大,所以可以通过测量压差来衡量流体流经节流装置的流量大小,这种测量是以能量守恒定律和流动连续性方程为基础. Measuring principle reasons: the fluid flows through the pipeline is full throttle components, jet installed in the throttle so that at systolic velocity increases, static pressure has eased, so the throttle at around the source of static pressure difference, the greater the fluid flow rate, in the section flow before and after the static pressure generated by the larger, so it can be measured by measuring the pressure of fluid flowing through the flow throttling device the size of this measurement is based on the law of conservation of energy and flow continuity equation basis.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 16:02

Orifice Meter is also known as differential pressure flowmeter is determined by a test piece (cutting pieces) and the second device (differential pressure transmitter and flow indicator), is widely used in gas, steam and liquid flow measurements. Has a simple structure, easy maintenance, stable performance, reliable and so on.

Details: First, an overview of orifice flow meter is also known as differential pressure flowmeter is determined by a test piece (cutting pieces) and the second device (differential pressure transmitter and flow indicator), is widely used in gas , steam and liquid flow measurement. Has a simple structure, easy maintenance, stable performance, reliable and so on. Standard orifice plate throttle device is no need to cut expenditure items can be calibrated directly in accordance with national standards of proction, 1. The national standard GB2624-81 <flow measurement throttling device design and installation and use; 2. The international standard ISO5167 <all the provisions of the International Standards Organization kinds of throttling device; 3. Ministry of Chemical Instry Standard GJ516-87-HK06. 2, the working principle of fluid flowing through the pipeline is full of pipes inside the throttle device, in the vicinity of cutting pieces of partial contraction caused by a flow rate of increase in its upstream and downstream sides of static pressure difference. Known under the conditions of the relevant parameters, according to a continuous flow principle and Bernoulli's equation can be deced travel between pressure and flow relationships obtained flow.

Measuring principle reasons: the fluid flows through the pipeline is full throttle components, jet installed in the throttle so that at systolic velocity increases, static pressure has eased, so the throttle at around the source of static pressure difference, the greater the fluid flow rate, in the section flow before and after the static pressure generated by the larger, so it can be measured by measuring the pressure of fluid flowing through the flow throttling device the size of this measurement is based on the law of conservation of energy and flow continuity equation basis.
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