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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 09:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 12:18


License Numbers:
Corporate logo:

Business scope: information technology, computer technology in the field of science and technology development, technology transfer, technical consultation and technical service, computer software and hardware development, maintenance services, network engineering, business consulting, computer software and hardware and equipment, office equipment, cultural and ecational supplies, communication procts, daily provisions sales (enterprise operations in the administrative licensing, permit to operate).

Licence validity

1. Registered items change, it shall apply to the company registration authority for registration of alternation, redemption the corporate business license,
2, the corporate business license is revoked, may not engage in any business activity which has nothing to do with the liquidation.
3, cancel its registration, it shall return the business license of enterprise legal person "original and copy.
4, the business license of enterprise legal person is lost or damaged shall, in the company registration authority in the newspaper and periodical designated declared invalid, apply for a replacement.
Annual inspection status

Shanghai administration chongming sub-administration


证照 번호:
기업 표시 =

경영 정보 를 컴퓨터 범위 를 과학 기술 분야 의 과학 기술 개발, 기술 이전 에 기술 자문 과 기술 의 개발 을 컴퓨터 软硬件 서비스, 정비 서비스, 인터넷 비즈니스 상담 을 컴퓨터 공학 을 软硬件 및 장비 를 사 무용 기기 를 용품, 통신 기기 를 문교 잡화 의 판매 를 (기업 경영 과 연관 행정 허가 를 받 아들 인 허가증) 의 경영 이다.

면허 유효

1.등록 사항 변 했 고, 회사 에 등록 기관 등기 변경 신청 을 바 꿔 칼라 ' 기업 법인 경영 면허 '
2, ' 기업 등록증 ' 운 전면 허가 취소 후 청산 하지 못 하 도록 하 고 와 무관 한 경영 활동 을 하 고 있다.
3, 등기 말소 써 야 한 다고 요구 하 고 기업 을 ' 등록증 ' 원본 은 부본 이다.
4, ' 기업 등록증 ' 분실 하 거나 파손 할 필 요가 있다 고 회사 에서 등록 기관 지정 의 정보지 에 성명 백지화 되 고 신청 깁다 칼라 이다.
연례 점검 상황

상하이 시 공상 행정 관리국 충 밍 지국 이다








热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 12:19


Duplicate (也可译成:Copy)
[同时,译文右上方最好注明:English Translation]

Licence No.
Company Logo:

Business scope: information technology, R&D in computer technology, technology transfer, technical consultancy and services, computer software and hardware development, maintenance services, network engineering, business consultancy, computer software/hardware and equipment, office equipment, cultural and ecational supplies, communication procts, sale of daily-use commodities (operations based on licences where required in business operations).

Licence validity period:

1. In the case of changes in the registered entries, the licensee shall apply to the company registration authority for updating the registration and replace the Enterprise Legal Person Business Licence.
2, After the Enterprise Corporate Legal Person Business Licence has been revoked, the license holder may not engage in any business activity which has nothing to do with liquidation.
3, To annul the registration, the registrant shall return the original and copy of the Enterprise Corporate Legal Person Business Licence. [若想用更地道的英文,可用surrender取代return。]
4, Should the Enterprise Corporate Legal Person Business Licence be lost or damaged, the registrant shall declare it invalid in the newspaper designated by the company registration authority and apply for a replacement.

Annual inspection status

(official seal)Chongming Branch, Shanghai Instrial and Commercial Administration

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 12:19

business license of leagl entity (plicate)
registration no.
corporation logo
business scope: information technology development in the computer technology
transfer of skill technical advice and technical services the development of technology of computer software and hardware maintenance service network engineering consultation Software and Hardware office installation the stationery goods telecommunications daily provisions
business term
1 when any of items in business license changed ,corooration must put forward the application to the original registration organ for registeation of alteration
2. after the business locense of legal entity is revoked the corporation shall not carry out the operrations expect the liquidation
3. both the original an transcript of business license must be returned to registration organ if corporation cancelled registration.
the corporation shall announce the cancellation on the publication specified by the registration organ and the reaplly if the business license is lost or damged
corporation must accept annual examination by registration organ
chongming station of shanghai instray and commerce andministration buresu
annual inspection briefing
注意该大小写 还有可能有输入错误 仅供参考

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 12:20

License Numbers:
Corporate logo:

Business scope: information technology, computer technology in the field of science and technology development, technology transfer, technical consultation and technical service, computer software and hardware development, maintenance services, network engineering, business consulting, computer software and hardware and equipment, office equipment, cultural and ecational supplies, communication procts, daily provisions sales (enterprise operations in the administrative licensing, permit to operate).

Licence validity

1. Registered items change, it shall apply to the company registration authority for registration of alternation, redemption the corporate business license,
2, the corporate business license is revoked, may not engage in any business activity which has nothing to do with the liquidation.
3, cancel its registration, it shall return the business license of enterprise legal person "original and copy.
4, the business license of enterprise legal person is lost or damaged shall, in the company registration authority in the newspaper and periodical designated declared invalid, apply for a replacement.
Annual inspection status

Shanghai administration chongming sub-administration
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