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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 09:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 04:42

A:你好,好久不见了。Hello,long time no see!
B:恩,好久不见。Hi,yes,we didn't see each other for a long time.
A:你看起来成熟了许多。It looks like you are more mature than before.
B:恩,工作许多年了,我现在在FS人力资源部工作。Thanks,I have worked for many years,and now I get a position in Human Resources Department of RS
A:你们的工作中应该注意些什么?What special should you take more attention in your daily job?
B:像我们人力资源部主要的工作就是负责人员的调配We HRD take charge in the preparing of resource.
A:还有呢?Anything else?
B:还要根据公司的要求去招聘各种人才。Also interview new man by the requirement of our company.
A:你们现在还在招聘吗?Do you still interview the fresh now?
B:当然,现在公司需要的就是你们这类的人才。Yes, new man like you!
A:真的?那我有时间就到公司去面试。Really? may I have a chance to interview?
B:没问题。No problem!

A:听说你买了一台新的电脑。I was told that you bought a new PC?
B:是的。没有电脑有很多不方便。Yes,it is so discommodious without it!
A:平时用电脑一般是学习还是娱乐?You use your PC for what? Entertaiment or studing?
B:有作业的时候就学习,平时有空偶尔玩下游戏。Studing when I have homework,and sometime play a game for relaxe.
A:娱乐时间都是在玩WOW?Do you play WOW for entertaiment?
B:不全是,偶尔也看看新闻,电影,听听音乐。Not enough,sometimes see the news,movie,and listen to the music.
A:一般情况下每天上网多久?How many time do you spend on web everyday?
B:至少3个小时吧。At least 3 hours.
A:有没有和女网友见过面呢?And have you met your girlfriend yet?
B:当然没有,我很单纯的,什么见面之类的最讨厌了。我只想过手和手的偶然接触,最多是嘴对嘴,根本就没有想过衣服的爆裂啊!Of course not, I am very simple,I hate having a meeting.I just want to touch each other by hands or even by lip, I never think anything about taking off her clothes!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 04:42

A: Hello,I haven’t met you for a long time.
B: You are right. We haven’t met for a long time.
A: You look more mature.
B: Yes, I have worked for many years. Now, I work in FS human resources department.
A: What do you need to take care in your work?
B: Our main job is to deploy people.
A: And?
B: And we hire all kinds of talented people according to company’s needs.
A: Do you hire people right now?
B: Of course, our company need talented people like you.
A: Really? Then I will go for a interview if I have time.
B: No problem.

A: I heard you bought a new computer.
B: Yes. It’s not convenient without a computer.
A: You use computer for study or for entertainment?
B: I use it for study if I have homework to do. And I play some games if I have time.
A: Are you playing WOW all the time in entertainment time?
B: Not always, sometimes I look at news, movies and listen to music.
A: how long do you spent on internet everyday?
B: At least 3 hours.
A: Have you ever met a female net friend face to face?
B: Of course not.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 04:43

A:Hello, long time no see.
B:yes, long tiem no see.
A:You look more mature.
B:Right, I've been working for years and I am in FS HR department.
A:What do you focus on in your work?
B:Mainly the arrangement and dispatch of human resources.
A:Anything more?
B:To recruit various brains as the company requires.
A:Are you still recruiting?
B:Of course,it is the brains like you that the company reqires a lot.
A:Really?I would like to make an interview if I have time.
B:No problem.

A:I've heard you bought a new computer.
B:yes, there is a lot of inconvenieces without a computer.
A:Do you use the computer for study or entertainment?
B:I usually study when I have homework, sometimes I play games when I have time.
A:Do you play WOW for all your entertainment time?
B:Not all, sometimts I also reading some nees, wacht movies and listening to the musics.
A:How long are you in the net everyday?
B:At least 3 hours.
A:Have you ever see any woman net friend?
B:Of course not, I am very pure and hate to see the net friends.
I ever thouht of the touch of hand by hand, at most mouth to mouth and I have no idea of the explosion of clothes at all.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 04:43

A:Hi. Long time no see.
B:Yeah.It is really long time no see
A:You look much mature.
B:Ah. I have been working for many years and I work in the FS Human Resources department now.
A:What should you pay attention to in your work?
B:As we Human Resources department, we are mainly responsible for the deployment of staff.
A:What else?
B:And to recruit all kinds of talent according to the company's requirements
A:Do you still recruit now?
B:Of course, now what the company need is the talent such as yous.
A:Really? Then I'll go to the interview soon I have time.
B:No problem.

A;I hear that you bought a new computer.
B:Yeah. It's of much inconvenience without computer.
A:Do you usually use a computer to learn or for entertainment?
B:I use it to study if I have homework, and play computer games occasionally when i'm free.
A:Do you only play Wow in the playtime?
B:Not exactly, I also look through news, see a film and litsen to the music some time.
A:How long do you spend on computer everyday?
B:At least three hours.
A:Have you see any female net friend?
B:Of course not, I'm a simple man and things like to meet is so hateful. I just have thought of approaching occasionally through hands, mouth to mouth at most, and I have never have the idea of tearing clothes.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 04:44

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