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the black album和the white album分别代表着什么?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 14:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:51

If it's not related to the cover art(这个应该是指white album起源于richard hamilton的艺术), then these are the meanings:

The term "White Album" refers to The Beatles' 1968 self-titled album, which (in contrast to the elaborate covers of the previous "Sgt Pepper" and "Magical Mystery Tour"), had the name "The Beatles" embossed on a plain white cover. The album itself was a huge collection of songs sprawled across a then-unprecedented two vinyl discs, with a variety and depth never seen before. Therefore, a "white album" is an album that showcases everything that a band is and has become over the course of their career (or, alternately, any huge collection of songs in a wide variety of genres and subject matter).

There are several sources for the term "Black Album".

The most widely recognized is refers to Metallica's 1991 self-titled album, in which the band, working for the first time with a successful procer, refined everything that was good about their work to date, pared away everything that didn't quite work, and met with huge popular success. Therefore, this meaning of "black album" is an album in which a veteran artist redefines itself after many years, and is rewarded with the greatest success of their career (or, alternately, an album in which an noncommercial artist eliminates everything which made them distinct and "sells out" to the popular taste).

Another significant "Black Album" was by Prince, made as a reaction to criticism that he had abandoned his roots for commercialism. The album was originally released in 1987, but was pulled from the shelves after one week and replaced by the album "Lovesexy" (which was much more commercial, and thus closer to what the record company had in mind). This worsened an already antagonistic relationship between Prince and the label, which led to Prince abandoning his name and replacing it with an unpronounceable symbol for the ration of his contract. Therefore, in this instance a "black album" is an album which leads to outright hostility between the artist and the record label (or, alternately, an album which disappears from the stores immediately and instantly becomes the stuff of legend).

Another "Black Album" is Jay-Z's "The Black Album", which Jay-Z had told the press prior to its release was to be his last studio album. He gathered a wide variety of procers (intending to use a different procer on every track), and released the surprisingly-consistent results in a black cover with minimal information regarding the tracks. Therefore, in this case a "black album" is an album that works well despite the skepticism of the critics and the press (or, alternately, the first of many "farewells" from an artist who doesn't actually go anywhere).

Still another "Black Album" is fictional. In the movie "This Is Spinal Tap" (a mock-documentary satire about an inept metal band on tour), the group's album release is delayed by objections to its brutally sexist cover. The record label's solution is to release the album ("Smell The Glove") in a plain black cover. This is only one of many, many things that go wrong for the band. "This Is Spinal Tap" is a must-see as one of the funniest and most painfully-accurate rock movies ever made. While promoting their "black album" Metallica frequently referred to Spinal Tap and "Smell The Glove". In this case, a "black album", or more correctly a "none more black album" is an album that results from extensive infighting over creative differences between artist and label, finally gets released in a watered-down form which pleases no one, and ultimately sells approximately 37 copies ("It looks like leather!" "It looks like DEATH !!!").

It is also commonly known as "The White Album", as it has no graphics or text other than the band's name embossed (and, on the early LP and CD releases, a serial number) on its plain white sleeve.

The Black Album - the album where they sold out

The White Album - the album where they freaked out
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