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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 11:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 02:26

Choosing for weights and criterion formulas when optimum-seeking for α value with principle as "giving more weight on the closer one rather than the further":
A was substituted into Formula B to proce relevant C (value). Having got F values in accrdance with all D (values), this very J value proced by minimum H was equalled to the optimum K value calculated under principle as "equality between the closer one and the further". Then optimum smoothing coefficient was chosen through calculations of around 100 times. G and L were taken respectively as target functions for optimum-sought smoothing coefficient N. Experimental procere was programed with MATLAB language and, smoothing coefficient M values were optimumly sought based on datum ring previous 11 years with two principles as above respectively. All is showed in Figure 1.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 02:26

The thick BoYuan "principles" nearly optimal alpha value and the size of the weight of the criterion choice: will A formula into the formula for the corresponding B, C. Find out all the D the corresponding F, the smallest H choose corresponding values, the value of J in the near the same principle is that we seek out the optimal K value. Nearly one hundred times for the operation of the smooth, selecting the best coefficient. Were used respectively to G and L as optimal objective function of the smooth coefficient N. Experiment with MATLAB language program for 11 years, before using the data according to the same principle and thick far and near the principle of BoYuan used to make smooth coefficient M value. See table 1 below.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 02:27

而英语国家的人却认为长寿的动物是大象,与鹤没有什么关系,他们认为仙鹤是Chinese and English words in some animals there are some similarities in
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