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求一篇用英文简单介绍香槟的文章,很急 谢谢各位老师了

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 07:36



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:37

Champagne - historical origins
in the 17th century, foaming wine before without taking "champagne" name. Someone say in France, a smart BENEDICTINE parish monks, named Dan, and bake the DOM PERIGNON () and director of the church, his property and wine library wine added to champagne bubble, is the great contributions, and wine quality improvement, also is better than before, because anyone from 1968, he YiQiYiWuNian to thousands of brewing wine with a charge of taste.

Dan, and also the first in Canberra to champagne bottle stopper with cork. Although other wine proction area already use but he was the first to introce to proce wine cork, to replace the champagne area at the bottle stopper with linen crumbs do and make the wine can save more time bubble. Grape farmers to commemorate him for his contribution, the statue, and held in 1939, 300 anniversary ceremony.

True champagne, only RHEIMS and northeast of Paris EPERNAY place. Other countries, mostly in French wine for the manufacturing method, also have the method to simplify the manufacture. Most of the champagne, taste good, if the cocktail party only heavy weight and not with champagne, adjustable mixed drinks to some, such as the BLACK VELVET or BLACK swan PUNCH wine, qi ban is appropriate.

The French champagne is exquisite, with black and white two kinds of grape juice to blend, quickly, lest affect squeeze out a skin color of juice. Another rose champagne and white grape champagne, rose from black grape skins are in wine, or add some of the dyed red grape wine table.

Most champagne is mixed procts, thus not only in grapes, labeling, and in particular harvest in business is on the label. However, each only paying attention to mix, in order to keep the skills of a standard quality wins the customer, though long boom, champagne quality is not affected.
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