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concerning"thanks to"

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 16:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 11:18

First, your expressions is not awkard at all, since you're not writing essays or proses.

After that, as to your question, "thanks to" is generally used in the two following situations:

1.give out positive reason or expressing thanks to the help provider.
e.g. Thanks to the strong structure, the buildings can survive after an earthquake.
the sentence "thanks to the sound economic structure taken by the HK. Central Government,we have overcome one difficulty after another" is one GOOD example for this usage.

2.to state a reason sarcastically(you know this word huh?),that means to view the causes of bad things as happy,helful issues.
e.g. Thanks to the heavy rain, I was late today.

So back to your sentence. the what-do-you-call YU TEACHER is not available. This situation doesn't fit in any of the usage above(You don't personally want your teacher not to come, right?),so it's better for you to use other word like:since,e to...instead of "thanks to"

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 11:18

1 THANKS TO 后面主要用名词.
再遇到句子时,只要看能不能把多亏放进去 就可一了

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 11:19

thanks to: 一般来说多是表达,幸亏的意思.你造的句子中表达的意思似乎有不想老师来的意思,所以不可以用咯.

而后面的例句中,thanks to the sound economic structure taken by the HK 的意思是多亏了香港健全的经济*.这里的sound是健全的意思.这样就不矛盾了吧~

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 11:19

如果你用thanks to, 就感觉好像不喜欢那个老师, 然后正好她就没来, 所以谢天谢地, 幸亏他没有来....所以我来代课

这里你应该用e to....

你的例句里面, 用thanx to没问题
因为**对香港的支持, 让他们度过难关, 肯定是"谢天谢地"的呀~~~

LZ英文很不错, 加油啊!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 11:20

Very good guy,First,when we are learning the foriegn language, the Chinese translation of English words can only help us know assumably the meaning of the word. Actually we should comprehend the world or phrase in our real life. Maybe I don't know exactly the the meaning of the phrase "thank to" is "o kui" in Chinese, but we can conclude that the phrase may similarly mean "with the help of" from the word "thank" used in our daily life.So now you know the difference.
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