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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 03:01



热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 15:13

Won"t you missunderstand me, please?
Wait a moment, the chef is cooking the noodles for you.
If you left, I would be reluctant to part from you. Take care of yourself, please.
I am ashamed of being away from you. I have to go to the toilet.
Excuse me, would you mind me troubling you to add some ice for you?
I am fond of the star, he/she is very famours in China.
I have given you not a little trouble. I feel shy for this.
I'm used to it. It's Ok when you get used to it, too.
I can't help it (or: I have no way of it). It is just so (or: It is like that).

Sorry, I can't help crying, because I I am reluctant to part from you. I've had a wonderful time staying with you

Believe me, please.(相信我的话。)
Believe in me, please..(信赖我这个人。)
May I borrow the camerar from you? I'd like to copy these photos into my computer to keep them for a memorize.
Could I be taken a photo with you.
Waiter/waitress, come for my check-out.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 15:13

1. Not misunderstand me please.
2. Wait for the once , the cook to be that you prepare noodles in course of please.
3. If you have left, I may grudge you very much. Be able to miss you very much. Take care.
4. Coy, I go to go to a toilet.
5. Sorry , disturb an once , need to be that you add ice cake?
6. I am fond of this star very much, in China is well-known.
7. Have given you trouble , have felt embarrassed.
8. I have already been accustomed. Be accustomed well.
9. No way out, be such.

10. Sorry, I cannot help wanting to cry in fact, because of grudging you really very much. Follow you together the day feels happy really very much.

11. Believe in me please.

12. Can borrow your camera for a while? I stay making a souvenir in the computer thinking that copy arrives at me with inside photo.

13. Can have a picture taken together with you?

14. The attendant, pays.


热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 15:14

1. Please do not misunderstand me.
2. Please wait, cook noodles for you.
3. If you go, I will be very reluctant to you. Will miss you very much. Please take care.
4. Sorry, I went under the toilet.
5. Excuse me, Excuse me, you need to add some ice it?
6. I very much like the star, very famous in China.
7. Give you trouble, I am sorry.
8. I have got used to it. Customary good.
9. No way, is this.
10. I am sorry, I really can not help but cry, because you really want to. The day together with you very happy indeed.
5. Excuse me, Excuse me, you need to add some ice it?
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