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Vane Shear Test ( VST)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 13:48



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 22:43

The Swedish engineer John Olsson developed the vane shear test ( VST ) in the 1920s to test the sensitive Scandinavian marine clays in-situ ( Figure 6. 3 ) . The VST has grown in popularity,especially since the Second World War,and is nowused around the world.

Figure 6. 3 The vane shear Test

This test consists of inserting a metal vane into the soil,as shown in Figure 6. 3,and rotating it until the soil fails in shear. The undrained shear strength may be determined from the torque at failure,the vane dimensions,and other factors. The vane can be advanced to greater depths by simply pushing it deeper ( especially in softer soils) or the test can be performed belowthe bottom of a boring and repeated as the boring is advanced. However,because the vane must be thin to minimize soil disturbance,it is only strong enough to be used in soft to medium cohesive soils. The test is performed rapidly ( about 1 minute to failure) and therefore measures only the undrained strength.

The shear surface has a cylindrical shape, and the data analysis neglects any shear resistance along the top and bottom of this cylinder. Usually the vane height-to-diameter ratio is 2,which,when combined with the applied torque,proces the following theoretical formula:


where suis undrained shear strength; Tfis torque at failure; d is diameter of vane.


VST,即"Vane Shear Test"的缩写,直译为叶片剪切试验。这个术语在学术界和地质学领域中,特别是在铁路工程地基土测试中被广泛使用,其中文拼音为"yè piàn jiǎn qiē shì yàn",流行度达到了2627次。VST主要用于描述对土体进行的剪切强度试验,如电测式十字板剪切试验和原位测试,以评估地基的稳定...

Vane Shear Test ( VST)

The Swedish engineer John Olsson developed the vane shear test ( VST ) in the 1920s to test the sensitive Scandinavian marine clays in-situ ( Figure 6. 3 ) . The VST has grown in popularity,especially since the Second World War,and is nowused around the world.Figure 6. 3...


FVST是一个常见的学术缩写,其全称为Field Vane Shear Test,中文直译为“现场十字板剪切试验”。这个试验在地学领域中有着广泛应用,主要用于测定土壤的抗剪强度参数。通过统计天津港软粘土的原位十字板剪切试验结果,研究者们提出了一种方法,利用这些现场测试数据来估算土体的剪切强度特性。FVST作为一个...

Shear Strength Tests

The vane shear test ( VST ) can be performed in the field to obtain the undrained shear strength suof clay. The miniature vane or torvane device could also be used in the laboratory to obtain the undrained shear strength suof clay. Unconfined compression test. The unconfined compression test...

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