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汉译英 高手帮帮忙 不要机器翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 13:35



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 02:46

quot;Context of the current market conditions, the development of SMEs and make a certain degree of analysis, we found the development of SMEs ills; combined SWOT analysis to develop a strategic plan for SME development - SWOT analysis model and excellent choice of development strategy . <br>General sense, the small and medium enterprises are those smaller than big business enterprises. States the specific definition of SMEs varies, but basically can be divided into two defined qualitative and quantitative methods. Information from the national point of view, Europe and the United States to small and medium developed countries generally referred to as small businesses. In addition, taking into account the definition of medium-sized enterprises, e to medium-sized enterprises too large deviation behavior of its management of large enterprises, while smaller medium-sized enterprises, their management behavior and management of small businesses have very similar behavior. Therefore, this paper on the management of small and medium enterprises will be mainly small business management, so you can cover the basic areas to be studied, but also more in line with international practice. <br>SWOT analysis method is an internal analysis, which established the enterprises themselves according to the internal conditions of analysis to identify business strengths, weaknesses and core competence lies, which the company's strategy and internal resources, external environment combine . Complete accordance with the concept of competitive strategy, strategy should be a company "can do" (ie, strengths and weaknesses of the organization) and "may do" (that is, opportunities and threats) between the organic combination.
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