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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 14:00



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 11:10

This is a coming of age film set initially and briefly in the late 1950s and mostly in the early 1960s. The boy, Bryce, is chased by his neighbor girl, Juli. And is he chased! Juli is immediately smitten or “flipped” by Bryce’s eyes and the story unfolds.

What is unusual about the story telling is that each major event is played back twice – once through the eyes and voice of Bryce and once through the eyes and voice of Juli. It’s the same scene, but you wouldn’t know that from their differing viewpoints.

Juli is the adventurous and interesting one. Bryce just wants to fit in at their Junior High School. Juli slowly begins to unlike Bryce and Bryce slowly begins to appreciate Juli. Will they ever meet at the same emotional place at the same time? That is the drama and story.

The art direction and era are right on. It is the Eisenhower and Kennedy years in look, and even in feel. The wives are subordinate to the husbands. The children are mostly respectful to their parents. And the teachers teach and the students learn. But, you can see the seeds being laid for the rebellious war babies of the late 1960s.

Rob Reiner is a talented director for romances – “When Harry Met Sally.” And he is a talented director for handling young actors – “Stand By Me.” He combines these talents to help us understand the better part of the human condition; that is, love, respect, sacrifice, forgiveness, and honor. And we have fun and laugh along the way. This is like the TV program, “Wonder Years” – but heightened and deepened.

-Bob, a Heartland Truly Moving Picture Award Jury Member

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 11:11

Tender, earthly, and full of youthful innocence; Flipped is a film that conveys childhood confusion and growth with a soft beauty. There is a running sweetness throughout Flipped that makes it a charming and thoroughly absorbing affair with an astonishing cast that holds a determined edge on maturity. Madeline Carroll is a bright, intelligent, and interesting lead in Juli - the unique girl that is ahead of her years. Carroll displays these qualities with aplomb; she contends with her alt peers and sets herself apart as a talent to be watched.

Her counterpart is Callan McAuliffe in no less impressive. As a young boy learning from his mistakes, McAuliffe has given his character a steady ground and an inviting understanding. It could have been a difficult character to nail, but the young actor has given his '50's period child a magnetic quality that makes the audience want him to succeed.

Unfortunately though, for such an impressive film with a talented young lineup, it is a single short performance from Kevin Weisman that greatly detracts. His cliche' ridden mumblings pull out from an otherwise rounded piece, and needs to be noted as a rare mistep for this film.

Flipped is an understated stroke of mastery from Rob Reiner that deserves a solid audience. It's a sweet look at young life in the making, and is executed with an eye for wonder and hope that it should prove to stir a nostalgic stream of emotions in its viewers.追问好难懂啊~有一点点,复杂~~能不能简单点....能力有限啊~~谢谢~~

追答When second-graders Bryce and Juli first meet, Juli knows it's love. Bryce isn't so sure. Beginning that day, and for the next six years, young Bryce does everything he can to keep his outspoken wannabe girlfriend at arm's length, which isn't easy since they go to the same school and live across the street from each other. Unexpectedly, at eighth grade, When Bryce began to feel Juli very attractive. Juli began to feel Bryce is actually empty as his beautiful blue eyes.


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