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谁能给我典范英语《the boss dog of blossom stre

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 19:12



热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 21:03


Snap was a small black and brown dog. He has a special job , he was the boss dog of Blossom Street. 

One Saturday Snap’s owners were at home, they were picking up things and going to move away! 

They would not live on Blossom Street any more Snap was not happy about it because he didn’t think he can do his job any more, but when they got on the van.

Snap had an idea and this idea could help him to be boss dog of Blossom Street even he didn’t live there. 

So every morning, Snap sets off and takes a bus to Blossom Street. 

After he makes sure that the dogs and cats are in their places, he takes a bus home! What a clever dog! Everyone loves him so much and everyone knows him! 

He is still the boss dog of Blossom Street, even he didn’t live there any more !

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 21:04

Snap was a small black and brown dog. He has a special job , he was the boss dog of Blossom Street. One Saturday Snap’s owners were at home, they were picking up things and going to move away! They would not live on Blossom Street any more Snap was not happy about it because he didn’t think he can do his job any more, but when they got on the van, Snap had an idea and this idea could help him to be boss dog of Blossom Street even he didn’t live there. So every morning, Snap sets off and takes a bus to Blossom Street. After he makes sure that the dogs and cats are in their places, he takes a bus home! What a clever dog! Everyone loves him so much and everyone knows him! He is still the boss dog of Blossom Street, even he didn’t live there any more

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 21:04

Snap was a small black and brown dog. He has a special job , he was the boss dog of Blossom Street. One Saturday Snap’s owners were at home, they were picking up things and going to move away! They would not live on Blossom Street any more Snap was not happy about it because he didn’t think he can do his job any more, but when they got on the van, Snap had an idea and this idea could help him to be boss dog of Blossom Street even he didn’t live there. So every morning, Snap sets off and takes a bus to Blossom Street. After he makes sure that the dogs and cats are in their places, he takes a bus home! What a clever dog! Everyone loves him so much and everyone knows him! He is still the boss dog of Blossom Street, even he didn’t live there any more !追问能短一点加汉译吗


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