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求助于各位,帮我把 下面这段文字翻译成英文!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 12:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 14:04

Popularly speaking, psychology is a kind of disciplines other than to more extensive, more complicated a knowledge, and in all aspects of our life is closely related to. Psychology of content is always around our internal perception and behavior, in general it is a help mankind to know our inner world, to improve our cognitive level, so as to better understand themselves and others, and the use of reasonable methods to effectively interact with one another, to accumulate more inner strength, and the reasonable application in social and group cooperation and interaction, in order to obtain the value of self-realization, and have a more happy life and life.Therefore, I think that psychology of this subject is to help us gain a better life and life is beautiful the more effective tool.Here, I suggest that every friends can try to from their own point of view and the need to understand and learn some elementary knowledge of psychology, it is necessary for us. Introction to the psychology of the threshold and not be expected too high to be reached.I sincerely hope to be in the garden, and everyone in an equal, harmonious atmosphere more discussion, this might just be what our hearts advocacy and the pursuit of the realm.追问是用百度在线翻译的吧?


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 14:04

Popularly speaking, psychology is a kind of disciplines other than to more extensive, more complicated a knowledge, and in all aspects of our life is closely related to. Psychology of content is always around our internal perception and behavior, in general it is a help mankind to know our inner world, to improve our cognitive level, so as to better understand themselves and others, and the use of reasonable methods to effectively interact with one another, to accumulate more inner strength, and the reasonable application in social and group cooperation and interaction, in order to obtain the value of self-realization, and have a more happy life and life.Therefore, I think that psychology of this subject is to help us gain a better life and life is beautiful the more effective tool.Here, I suggest that every friends can try to from their own point of view and the need to understand and learn some elementary knowledge of psychology, it is necessary for us. Introction to the psychology of the threshold and not be expected too high to be reached.I sincerely hope to be in the garden, and everyone in an equal, harmonious atmosphere more discussion, this might just be what our hearts advocacy and the pursuit of the realm.The input content has reached the limit on the length can input 9999 characters

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 14:05

分太少了 谁干啊
以前看过一本小说 男主附身成为杨家大少爷 同时他还有弟弟和妹妹... 刘登加什么字好听 刘登 后配什么字好 刘登泽全国有多少 姓刘,第二字登,第三个必须要带金字旁的,要求寓意好,分数高,叫的想... 若角θ的终边与168°角的终边相同, 则在0°~360°内终边与3分之θ角... ...求在[0,2派)内终边与a/3角的终边相同的角。 已知a的终边与π/3的终边相同,求在〔0,2π〕内与a/3终边相同的角 ...求在[0,2π)内终边与θ/3角的终边相同的角 答案是三个,求 若θ的终边与8π/5角的终边相同,则在[0,2π)内终边与 θ/4角的终边相 ... 关于清楚的四字成语 形容整整齐齐次序分明条理清楚的四字词语? 厦门上世纪一美国朋友与中国朋友的故事 潘威廉的介绍 厦大外教潘维廉深情告白中国,是什么让他爱上这片土地的? 感动中国年度人物,潘威廉是一个怎样的人? 联通最便宜的流量主套餐是什么?资费是多少? 现在联通最便宜的无限流量套餐是多少钱? 联通流量怎么买便宜? 机动车商业保险有犹豫期吗 保险公司在签订保险合同后有犹豫期吗 在平安保险公司买的保险,大概能退多少钱? 图像锐化怎么调不了? 为什么我的显卡图像锐化调不了了 Rx6600开了锐化很糊 n卡锐化吃显卡么 干两天交了商业险怎么办 为什么我的显卡调不了图像锐化 现在移动支付比较火,加盟pos机前景咋样 吹风亭是啥药? 南京白事送多少钱,是亲兄妹? 二级建造师社保在原单位但已注册到新单位,请问执业地点在哪个单位? 英翻中,论文 不要翻译软件翻的 因为语法都乱的 十万火急 万分感激 自验配助听器好不好,可以戴多久? 江苏南京习俗如果家里有老人去世,亲戚朋友家有喜事怎样做? 到哪里可以买到肝素钠标准品 张怡的主要论文 南京在哪找办白事的 需要乐队吗? 急求英文演讲稿~~ 以“the telecommunications revolution(通信*)”为主题,写一篇演讲稿。 网上买自验配助听器买到就可以直接用吗?必须下载APP一起使用吗? 求英语高手将我的摘要翻译成英文 不要软件翻译的 求准确 急急急急急!!! 求好心人帮查EI检索号 求助能下载IEEE Xplore 论文的朋友 我爷爷是离休老干部,每月交纳350元党费,工资应该是多少? 大家谁能具体的算出来 离休干部按每月2%的算法 民政代管的军队离休干部缴纳党费生活补贴也作为基数吗 谁能帮我解释下"高意轩"这个名字有什么含义! 帮这月底要出生了宝宝男孩女孩各取一个名字姓高 建筑占地面积与建筑面积什么关系 09年1月12农历腊月17上午十二点十一分生的高姓女孩的五行属性,然后再帮取个名字 亚洲女排中国5号叫什么名字