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急求英文演讲稿~~ 以“the telecommunications revolution(通信*)”为主题,写一篇演讲稿。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 12:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 14:04

Dear teachers or stuents:
Asked, technology and large or harmful? yes, of course! how big is the explanation? don't explain. the chinese civilization among 8000 years of civilization is there were irrefutable proofs, each moment in history, technology at every moment in human development. from primitive life rumaoyinxue learned to use or cook food; to reproce naturally, rely on the helpless to the metallurgical, is this not make progress and development? is this not.
Let's life today and one hundred thousand years ago, we have today is the supreme ; and thousands of years ago, we could ; the today and hundreds of years ago, we are happy and comfortable ; today and tomorrow, the future as bright. for thousands of years, from the carriage turned into cars, trains and planes ; from the kerosene lamp became incandescent and neon light, their ; from where into the corner.
We are happy, we are fortunate, we had a technology is developing at breakneck speed, and full of high technology, this is not smooth our ancestors in the evolution in the development, progress, including all the people and study hard, we of today's date, there is much hard scientists use the wisdom of life. even
Because of faraday. we live to around with all kinds of electrical ; as darwin, because Meng De'er, we can understand themselves better, cognitive his bills as flat as ; hua and li shizhen our lives can be protected.
All around us, is it not they change? life is so comfortable life is so comfortable life is so fine, we raised the average life expectancy than 30 years old, visit relatives and friends and keep out of the house, is this not give us technical development of the benefits?
To say, scientific and technological change history, we study science and technology development, or a big disadvantage is no need to question, because it is the great! great! great! for the scientific and technological change history, good, not technology development, our life is difficult to imagine, we lived in pitch darkness and technological development has saved us, our marine science from the heat out. the rescue.We have with an awe and respected him, how can you come to say that technology with cancer?
Technological change history, knowledge change their fate. we enter the 21st century, the threshold of an era of high technology, science, changed our lives. science has changed our fate. knowledge is power, the people's republic of china, the yangyangdaguo 1,300 million people, why can the world had thrust his chest out? because our technology in the continuous development of science and technology. we continue to progress. science and technology development and outweigh the disadvantages, it is a time of the subject!
Thank for your listen!追问1楼离题了~~
主题是“通信技术*”(“the telecommunications revolution),


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