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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 05:41



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 22:45


China has put forward the concept of garbage classification treatment for many years. Modern health problems have become the mainstream of the whole society. Bad garbage treatment means bad life treatment.

And the country should be 200 square kilometers to do a garbage treatment plant of a garbage disposal network, the garbage is divided into decomposable, pollution-free organic garbage and non-decomposable pollution garbage.

 Garbage plants can be divided into two types, one is the organic waste into renewable materials, and the other is the plastic, chemical and other difficult waste recycling plants, the manufacturers of these procts are obliged to pay the profits of the money for the society to dispose of waste.




1、Make full use of media resources and join in the publicity and ecation of popularizing the scientific knowledge of garbage classification and recycling.


2、Take streets and communities as units to train publicists and popularize the scientific knowledge of garbage classification.


3、In primary and secondary school ecation, special contents of garbage classification, resource utilization and environmental protection should be added.


4、Carry out the promotion of regular classification and recycling, and mark the classification and recycling time in the garbage recycling box.


5、Improve the garbage classification and recycling system and supervision mechanism to ensure the graal promotion and accelerated implementation of garbage classification and recycling.


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