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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 05:43



热心网友 时间:2024-01-08 10:09

1.It's more convinient for us to travel, go shopping, work, and study.
2.It will save a lot of time. And we have more time to enjoy our life.Besides, we can work more efficiently.
3.It will make our life more relaxing and interesting.
4.It will take us to many places far away from our home. And we can see many things that we can not see around our homes. That is to say, we can open our eyes if we want.
1.If we use a car, we must use a lot of gasoline, which is becoming little and little.Countries will fight against each other for the oil.
2.The wasted tail gas from a driving car can pollute our air. Many people fall ill because of bad air.
3. Many traffic jams make our wait on the road.
4. Many traffic accidents kill a lot of people. And it's cruel.
5. The car makes people rely on morden tools and don't walk enough. So people are not as strong as before. If one day, there is no oil, people will face difficulties to walk a long way or walk fast.
6.The cities are more and more crowded, and every piece of land in the cities are very expensive, so there is no enough space to store so many cars.
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