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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 10:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 23:50

squirrelGuiYu Live GuiYu (or yellow ShiShouYu) article 1 (about 750 grams), 18 g shrimp, cooked bamboo shoot 12 grams, water hair mushrooms 12 grams, green peas scored 15, cooked lard 1000 grams (real consumption 250 g), sesame oil 9 g, mirrin 15 grams, refined salt 6 g, MianBaiTang 12 grams, sweet vinegar 60 g, ketchup 60 g, garlic 1.5 grams, parsley period of 6 g, dry starch 36 grams, pork clear soup 60 grams
Take GuiYu live, after the slaughter to scales, gill, the viscera wash, filter dry moisture. And then put the fish together XiongQi inclined knife in the head in the jaw muscles, and gently pat sword into a little flat look, again along the ridge sword to be on both sides from beginning to end of flat (tail cannot batch of open, batch of broken), remove the fish head, ridge, cut to the chest, two pieces of fish (says fish leaves); Put the fish leaves skin down on the chopping board, piece to chest thorn, again in the fish leaves on the sword evenly straight row, row inclined to fish skin again place, and let the fish is the diamond floret knife; 9 g, refined salt with cooking wine 0.6 g coated in the fish and fish head after the leaves, and pat dry starch, shaking to excess material, to use. Cook tomato sauce, clear soup, sweet and sour pork, cooking wine, refined salt, purified water starch into a bowl, move into juice to use. Will the pan in lard, and to eighty percent hot, left mention fish, the right hand with chopsticks live fish of the folding outward leaves, slowly in the wok, then also put on the heads in pan fry, and constantly use ladle heating oil to fish out the water, so that the fish leaves evenly heat, depending on the Fried to pale yellow out when; Then will the oil temperature burn to eighty percent heat, put the fish and fish head fry until golden brown out when, then put the fish leaf and fish heads together, make its forming, then installed dish. In fish and at the same time, the other on fire with fry pan wu hot, put cooked lard 60 g, heat oil is benevolence, inline skate cooked, pour into colander; The original leave a little oil to fry pan, heat oil parsley period after the explosion is put out, and the garlic, bamboo shoot, mushrooms, peas and stir-fry until done. Boil into the sauce, add cooked lard (45 g), balm, shrimp Fried out of the pot after, and poured it on the fish become namely.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 23:50

squirrel-shaped mandarin fish

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 23:51

江苏省农业机械管理条例第一章 总 则 江苏省农业机械管理条例第六章 法律责任 核心交换机和普通交换机的区别 什么时候需要使用核心交换机 核心交换机与普通交换机的区别及核心交换机的重要性 工业交换机哪个品牌更有保障 求各位大侠~~最近要做毕业设计!但我真没有时间做!谁给我做了 我分全 ... 各位大侠!小弟现在被单片机、步进电机搞的睡不着觉了。向大家求救。我... ...在论坛上经常看到T11T12T13还有S2S3都是什么意思! 魔兽世界中S1 S2 S3 T1 T2 T3什么意思 马凡氏综合征疾病治疗 三百只纸鹤代表什么 9个纸鹤是什么意思 纸鹤象征的什么? 纸鹤的寓意是什么 纸鹤代表什么?! 纸鹤代表什么? 纸鹤代表什么?1只又代表什么? 荣成5中17级微信群 荣成有香港代购的吗? 我将仓鼠放在多肉植物旁边,不会被吃吧 露养多肉需要喷防虫剂吗? 风靡办公室的多肉植物到底怎么养 食用稗子米是否还有人栽种 稗子和稗子米是什么,据说对人体好,有什么用呀? 春蚕一般在几月份吐丝 TCL的洗衣机哪里产的 养多肉如何防鼠、防晒、防水、防鸟 多肉植物喷什么能防鼠 三星冰箱bcd198nkms如何调节制冷温度 蚕虫什么时候开始结茧 大家帮忙推荐几种好吃的菜 苏州的变化小学作文中译英 苏州茉莉花假日酒店 支付宝提示进账金额将会被冻结,余额已转出银行卡也提示到账,银行卡的钱会不会? 制度裙子扣子和拉链在前还是后 刚从支付宝里提现的钱会被冻结吗 我被冻结了 什么时候会解冻 钱会到我的银行卡里吗?急! 为什么没有人告诉我裙子的拉链应该在后面 女生答,急求,这种带拉链的打底裙,拉链是放在裙子前面,还是后面,还是侧面,如果放在侧面是放在左侧, 这个裙子拉链应该穿在哪里,前还是后? 女士正装裙子拉链在哪边 有什么考试含金量高,有用的? 哪些等级考试比较重要,有用,对工作有帮助?(具体点) 有用的英语考试 有关会计专业的考试,哪些有用? 最有用的英文考试【大学毕业后】 工作以后考什么英语考试最有用(包括口语) 有用的国家资质考试都有哪些? 考过四六级了,还有什么更高水平的考试吗?比较有用的。。。 在患上抑郁症之后,身体情绪会有哪些明显的变化? 抑郁症病人情绪变化的规律是什么?