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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 07:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 04:27

Hands on the keyboard for a long time do not know how to start, how to express the feelings of the moment. So the feeling is when you think you're just starting. All the people around you, as if the whole world left you. Just like a train is about to speed ahead of the train, lost the original power. For a moment, there is no preparation, and all your time, you have everything.
At this time you will feel, where you can not stay, or where there is no place to stay. I think I should look for it, which is suitable for me, where should I go?
That day, a teeming city that still People are hurrying to and fro. Everyone's busy with their own things. My luggage, like those old-fashioned television, can not find the direction. So I found a place, a only 10 square metre. Here is very suitable for me. So I live in, I want to think, think about all my own.
The layout of the room is very simple, but the space is not simple, it has a strange feeling, a will let you rely on and go out feeling, but this feeling I'm sure, it makes me feel fear. Every day on the wall, I thought I could come in a quiet thinking, but I do not know that I have been in the middle of the loss and pessimism, it put me trapped, as if I can not get rid of.
I believe that everyone will have such a small room, right? At one time, "trapped" in the inside, can not go out.
Never publicly released, because I'm not a public figure, this is a letter to friends. Or that I want to borrow it in an endless panic to let me calm down to write, so that I can clear my mind. This writing I want to write to the present and the future of a friend. This half a month to turn off the phone, missing to think about life. I'm sorry to have worried about me. There are a lot of things to say, but I can not say anything. I chose to write a letter to the public platform of the young, to everyone, to himself. Let everyone know yourself, let yourself know yourself. Although I don't know it is good or not good.
About the business about me:
"Hello, I'm young ceo. Is this year's Shenzhen University graates. Young m is the first company in my life. I read music, and I'm in the composition. I am not rich two generation, that is, in the campus is not driving a car carrying a girl's kind of rich handsome. I have a very happy family, there are father, mother, sister. They love me, we love each other, love this home. Dad, my idol, the only idol, from very afraid of him, because he is very strict with us, but have not love reading, I often let him sad, perhaps this is perennially, he began to change. Later, he told me, it can be said is a stocking, he said as long as I do something yourself like that of things. Just do it. We grew up, he and the two siblings become more like a friend, talk, slapstick, out when goujiandabei, now I will be with him talk about ideals about the future. Still, he will give me the best advice, still taught me a lot of things, he is still learning all aspects of my example. Mom, I love this one of the most loved woman, no one. She is a loving mother, my mother, sister said to be spoiled. At any time, my mother will be by my side. I am a very fond of observation of the details of the people, yes, mom and Dad love us. And I gave her the first commitment to her, I said, I want to try to make her and my father live the best life. Sister, from small to large best playmate, our feelings unthinkable, she take care of me for 24 years, enough to mean a sister. This is my family, the closest person. Below me.
I love music, when I was young. Music is an indispensable part of my life. I still remember that when I was in primary school, I had a concert with a Beyond 03 year DVD, which made me fall in love with music.
After that, I asked my mother to give me to learn the guitar, she did not want to agree. Compared with studying, I want to I prefer this thing, and practiced piano, guitar lessons a day does not fall, mother often said if I read half so seriously.
After junior high school I also have my own band, and then I began to write songs, everywhere to participate in the performance.
In 2010, because of an opportunity, we also very bold to launch the first music festival in Huizhou, called the "wake up gene music festival". By now, it has been successfully held for 5 sessions. It has been our pride, after all, haven't twenty year old "little devil" when they fought to organize a for two days now flow faster than million music festival, from a small place in held to get government support to large square held! Yes, there will be a sense of accomplishment!
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