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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 06:41



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 15:49

Dear tribal conflict official customer service: Hello! I am a tribal conflict (referred to as COC) Chinese players. Just downloaded this game six months ago, it is deeply attracted by it. The exquisite picture, the game mechanism that can play sex, let a person fight the battle of the tribe fight... Thank you for letting us experience this outstanding hand travel! However, in May 13, 2015, e to my mobile phone equipment out of the problem, after the re login game, the game before the game found no. Yeah, the game is not up.! At this time, I am very angry and sad, playing for more than half a year COC, about everything gone. My mobile phone equipment is red rice 1S, before binding accounts, but then the account did not know what the reason is deactivated, the account information is also forgotten. Here, I hope the official can help me get back to my village, so I can continue to experience this very worthy of playing hand travel! My village is as follows, the name of the village: Ai Ze Lars. Experience level: 92~93. Base camp level: nine this. Where tribe: elder sister white no time to the elder brother handsome incomparable (because the game not to go, has been kicked). Village creation time: October 2014 ~11 month. COC fans, looking forward to the official reply, I wish my luck! Thank you!
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