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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 03:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:36

1. With a wear tester and a dedicated tape, put 175g of the load, the friction driving surface of tape 200 in the sample loop. After the test in order to paint (coating) are not through the end (exposed substrate) when qualified.
2. With a cotton cloth dipped ethanol, wrapped in a dedicated weight 500g head, back and forth in the sample surface, wipe the 200 loop. After the test in order to paint (coating) are not through the end (exposed substrate) when qualified.
3. Viscose strictly control the amount of the largest diamond in the higher parts of 0.2-0,3 mm between each hole must be uniform resin content.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:36

1.Wear tester with tape and special,175g load applied,Surface friction tape drive 200 in the sample loop.After the test in order to paint (coating) are not through the end (exposed substrate) is qualified.
2.Ethanol with a cotton cloth dipped,Package weight 500g head in a dedicated,Wipe the surface of the sample of 200 cycles back and forth.After the test in order to paint (coating) are not through the end (exposed substrate) is qualified.
3.Strictly control the amount of glue above the diamond in between the largest part of 0.2-0,3 mm,Each hole must be uniform resin content.
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