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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 03:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 07:31


What is happiness? I think different people hold different ideas. In my mind, happiness is living a simple life with family, your lover, and your friends. Gardner's tour for obtaining happiness is quite difficult and arous费力的.That's why we should cherish happiness. This movie inspires us to have a dream rather than to achieve happiness. We all have our own dreams. Only people with competence can realize their dreams. In this process, we should have confidence in our capacity in spite of many obstacles.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 07:32

what is happiness? i think everyone has his own idea. but i think to stay with our families, love and friends and live a peaceful life is what happiness means to be. the process of his happiness is difficult. But just because it is hard to get, we'll cherish it. what the film taught me is dream rather than happiness. we all have our own dreams, but only the capable ones could make it true. when you are getting to it, there must be a lot of obstacles. But, we should always believe in ourselves.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 07:32

What is happiness? I guess everyone has different thoughts as to the answer. I think that happiness lies in living a simple life, with family, loved ones, and friend. Gardner gained happiness through overcoming difficulties, because it was so difficult, it is more important for him to cherish this happiness. What this film taught me is not about happiness but instead about dreams. We can all have our own dreams, but it is only the capable ones who can turn this dream into reality. In the process of doing so, although there will be many obstacles, we should always believe in our own abilities.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 07:33

What is happiness? Everyone has his way to explain. I'd like to define it as the peaceful life,with families and friends as well. But pursuing happiness is a tough process in the Ganerd's case. Indeed, It is the painful journing itself makes us cherish what we got.
The movie led us to pursue dream more than chase happiness. We all treasure our dreams, but only the man who is brave and capable could transfer it into reality. During this procere,there must be unaccountable obstacles, yet we just need to trust the ability we have.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 07:34

What is happiness? Maybe everybody has his own answer.In my opinion ,happiness is a kind of peaceful life that you can stay and enjoy your time with your families ,lover,and friends .But the way of happiness for Gardna is really tough.It is just because this toughness that he treasures it very much. However ,the lessons we can learn from this film is not happiness ,but dream. We all have dreams .Capable men always make their dreams come true. During this process ,we may ehance a lot of difficulty ,,but we should always believe in our capabilities.
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