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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 04:52



热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 21:33

Today I bring to you in interpersonal relationships to deal with some suggestions:
1.以诚相见 1. To meet Prudential
同事之间多一些宽容和理解,尽量多做事少说话 Colleagues with more tolerance and understanding, as far as possible to do more with fewer words
这样做既可以让自己多积累工作经验; This can allow themselves more work experience;
又可以让繁忙的工作冲去多余的时间 At the same time enable busy working red to extra time
2.善待别人 2. Treat others
工作中,自己的事处理完后, Work, own business dealt with,
看看周围的同事有没有要帮忙的事, Look around my colleagues have to do to help,
或自己没事时帮同事倒杯水,拣一下办公桌; Or when nothing to help their colleagues倒杯水, soliciting click desk;
这样便可以更好的处理同事之间的关系; So that we can better deal with the relationship between colleagues;
3.与同事保持适当距离 3. With colleagues to maintain an appropriate distance from
同事可以一同吃喝玩乐,不可谈任何实质问题. Colleagues can work together to drink, can not talk about any substantive issues.
因为说不定哪天你们的位置和关系会发生改变, Perhaps because of the location and day of your relationship will change,
同事之间理应有互相帮助之谊, Colleagues should have the friendship and help each other,
但同时又存在成为潜在竞争对手的可能. But at the same time there may be a potential competitor.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 21:34


Today I bring to you in interpersonal relationships to deal with some suggestions:
1. To meet Prudential
Colleagues with more tolerance and understanding, as far as possible to do more with fewer words
This can allow themselves more work experience;
At the same time enable busy working red to extra time
2. Treat others
Work, own business dealt with,
Look around my colleagues have to do to help,
Or when nothing to help their colleagues倒杯水, soliciting click desk;
So that we can better deal with the relationship between colleagues;
3. With colleagues to maintain an appropriate distance from
Colleagues can work together to drink, can not talk about any substantive issues.
Perhaps because of the location and day of your relationship will change,
Colleagues should have the friendship and help each other,
But at the same time there may be a potential competitor.
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