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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 18:23



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 15:10

In this article, with more than 30 pieces of silk dyeing with disperse dyes with different structures, filter by measuring its rate of dyeing dyes, and determination of its promotion, discovery of Longsheng group in the proction of heat-UN-SE and EE series of disperse dyes have good lifting. Simultaneous determination of dispersion rate of dyeing curve of Red jade S-2GFL, found in 95, 90 ° c under the conditions of dyeing, dyeing balance when 20 MHz respectively, it's added o to join the slight increase in the rate in the early, but on balance would not seriously affect rate of dyeing. 1:1 standard color depth by measuring the color fastness of dyed samples found that rubbing fastness of disperse dyes on silk is better, but weak washing fastness, will be the biggest technology challenges of silk dyeing with disperse dyes.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 15:10

In this paper, using more than 30 different structures of disperse dyes on silk fabric dyeing, by measuring the percentage of exhaustion were screened to determine the dye, lifting, found Zhejiang Longsheng group Limited by Share Ltd proction of medium temperature type UN-SE and EE series disperse dyes have good upgrade.Simultaneous determination of the dispersing ruby S-2GFL dyeing rate curve, found in 95, 90 ℃ staining, respectively in 20, 60min to dyeing equilibrium, peregal O was added to make initial dyeing rate increased slightly, but had little effect on the equilibrium dye uptake.Through the determination with 1:1 standard color sample dyeing color fastness of deep value discovery, disperse dyes on silk fabric rubbing fastness is good, but the washing fastness of disperse dyes dyeing of silk, will become the most difficult problems.(可以吗,望采纳)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 15:11

In this paper, using more than 30 different structures of disperse dyes on silk fabric dyeing, by measuring the percentage of exhaustion were screened to determine the dye, lifting, found Zhejiang Longsheng group Limited by Share Ltd proction of medium temperature type UN-SE and EE series disperse dyes have good upgrade.Simultaneous determination of the dispersing ruby S-2GFL dyeing rate curve, found in 95, 90 ℃ staining, respectively in 20, 60min to dyeing equilibrium, peregal O was added to make initial dyeing rate increased slightly, but had little effect on the equilibrium dye uptake.Through the determination with 1:1 standard color sample dyeing color fastness of deep value discovery, disperse dyes on silk fabric rubbing fastness is good, but the washing fastness of disperse dyes dyeing of silk, will become the most difficult problems.

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I cannot replace You 我无法取代你 I will not, not, not this time.这次我绝不会 Not this time.这次绝不 No, not this time.这次绝不 And just know you're a part of me 只知道你已经成为我的一部分 And you will always be.你将永远如此 I see your lips 我看到你的唇 They move...




2:you were ,you are ,and you remain my dear friend.你过去是我的好朋友,现在是,今后也一样是!3:more recently ,people in some western countries have been moving from the cities to the suburs.近来,在一些西方国家中,人们不断地从城市迁移到郊区。4;the crisis ,however ,was shor...


成千上万的人受伤,更糟的是许多人失去了他们的家,新闻播出后,人们以不同的方式表达他们的爱,有人捐食物,衣服,药和一些必须物品,有人甚至捐钱给他们,作为学生,我们当然应该对陷于困难中的人给予帮助,所以捐出你自己的零用钱,让我们使世界充满爱 学生会 太长了,就先翻译一段了 ...


Song Title: Dear, Colleen歌手:科琳恩 1. 然后,我看,把我的新单词,我知道,还是和周围,来了,这个身体云雀 Then I saw, I brought my new word, I knew, still around, here comes this body lark.2. 哦,冷,来解释,那就是意味着,我觉得这个时刻就会飞,到处可以看见 Oh, so cold, ...

急!!! 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下!!! 谢谢啦!!!

If the price is reasonable, I want to buy small amount first to make sure the item is a right one as what we want and then I will order with the amountas I mentioned above.我希望你能出个好价钱,如果这个价钱合理,我想先订购一小部分,来确认它是不是符合我们的要求。如果符合...

地址翻译成英文. 请英语成绩好的同学帮忙翻译,非常感谢!

8 floor, fangyuan plaza,xixingsi road, beishanxifang Industrial district, humen town, dongguan city, guangdong province.


I am very solemn you tell, I do not have English name. In my opinion a real Chinese people do not need English, I learn English only in order to enable more powerful my country! But I really enjoy very much English, which, believe me, because I am neither an actor, afte...


1,深圳市福田区深南中路华能大厦3112室 Room 3112, HuaNeng Building, shen nan zhong Rd, Futian District, Shenzhen 2,深圳市福田区泰然九路211栋502室 Room 502, 211th Building, Tairan 9 Rd, Futian District, Shenzhen

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你好为什么同样的幻影灯片在2台不同的电脑里 播放出不一样的效果?一... 步步高手机叉五怎样把照片幻影灯片播放 如果从开封南郊做车去北站,坐那路车 腿手发麻是什么原因引起的 手和腿麻是什么原因导致 腿木是什么原因引起的怎么治疗 手腿麻是什么原因引起 ...绿色科技这个系列任务可以接,求需要什么前置任务! 栽易割拐愣拐愣得懂添,尼左载糖定糖定的惹糖透尚,科遮刮自,河浙插税... ...两人的苹果同样多,小丽原来比小红多几个苹果 scatter和disperse的用法有什么区别 30岁的男人,阴茎里面怎么还有白色 中国人民解放军第八一医院与南京解放军医院(急急急!!在线等) 阴茎30岁了还能增大吗 军队医院的发展简史 我的阴茎在软的时候只有3厘米,勃起后有11厘米,这个算正常么。30岁 请问九江至南昌的高铁路段是不是正在探讨修建中?如果要修建大概是在什么时候开始修建? 九江到南昌的动车组什么时候开通 2010年完工的高铁(高速铁路)有哪些? 南昌昌九城际乐化东火车站什么时候建 江西一条连接南昌与九江的高速铁路,长多少呢?设站多少个呢?_百度知 ... 甲方给乙方提供施工场地和材料运输道路是义务还是按合同做? 过年干果,水果,买什么好 我的皮肤老是瘙痒该怎么办? 老是很痒,怎么治? 皮肤经常会痒怎么办? 安装双系统后,为什么开机没有选择就进入其中一个系统 装了双系统,开机时没有提示选择项,该如何设置! 我的电脑装的是双系统,现在开机时选择系统的东西不在了。 电脑键盘按U出4,按I出5,按O出6,按P出-,按J出1,按K出2,按L出3,按M出0这是为什么。 一段古建筑的专业文字求翻译成英语,不要机器翻译的,谢谢 写一篇关于黄山的英语 作文要求1:位于安徽南部是中国著名旅游圣地每年有大批中外游客前去观光2乘汽车 真心买车!这个问题太多争议。总体来说:五菱宏光s、东风风光330那个更好 响巢看看 怎么看不了电影 谁知道《妻子的诱惑》这部韩剧里的所有插曲歌曲和片尾曲 如何下载迅雷看看中的影片 韩剧妻子的诱惑共有多少集?在那能看到完整版 个人觉得韩版的《妻子的*》比我们中国版的《回家的*》好看多了,不管从视觉还是情节 为什么我下载迅雷看看播放器 下载完成后会变成了视频的软件?? RMVB软件 到迅雷看看下载了电影怎么看不了? 怎么禁止下载迅雷看看 怎么下载迅雷看看到内存卡里 已经下载迅雷看看,但为什么无法使用迅雷看看播放器 怎么下载迅雷看看播放列表的文件 怎样禁止迅雷下载迅雷看看插件? 什么玩偶? 分贝仪不用电池需要取出来吗? 手伴玩偶是什么 处理器: Intel E5 2450 八核 散热器: 塔式铜管风扇 主 板: Intel 有什么可爱的卡通玩偶呢?