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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 18:23



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 15:10

The dense structure of Tibetan Blockhouse are all tiled Direct purlins ,only a small amount of interpolation between in member tenon , most members are no connection and this measures are relatively primitive constructor. As for the structural stability of the roof with/by heavy loads ( typically up to the roof Futuhou 30cm) of pressure, in order to maintain the vertical stabilizer ; and thick stone facades and limit the horizontal displacement of the frame , so that the member of firm does not fall . Residential architecture Qiang and Tibetan living with the same way , and also use all wood of framed wall for bearing hybrid architecture style .
Yuanjiang , Red River, Luchun , Yuanyang prevailing soil along the palm house , and also flat purlin style architecture. Column spacing of about 3m or so , take the flat beam section about 10cm 20cm, if the span is slightly larger, with the additional joists , wood dowel circle about 10cm in diameter beams, purlins distance 30cm, soil bamboo shop , Vitex , firewood , top cover 20cm thick clay . Envelope for rammed earth walls or facades adobe wall. If the use of load-bearing exterior walls made , you need to lay on top of the wall lying beam, the beam purlins ride on it , to disperse pressure.Because Red River region e to the hot summer , so leave gaps between the outer wall and the roof top of the wall , in order to solve indoor ventilation requirements. At the same time protect the soil walls, flat roof eaves four weeks Jie , its appearance and Qiang houses are very different.


you need to lay on top of the wall lying beam, the beam purlins ride on it , to disperse pressure.Because Red River region due to the hot summer , so leave gaps between the outer wall and the roof top of the wall , in order to solve indoor ventilation requirements. At t...



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