哪位大虾可以帮我把这几个英文文摘 参考资料翻译成中文?
发布时间:2022-05-29 20:47
时间:2023-11-24 11:51
(1)Booth,J.A.和Kautzmann,D.E.,2004,“Estimating从惠普到在10月24日监视会议//车间EPRI Power工厂表现”presentedIP涡轮机部分漏,.(2)Cotton,K.C.,1998,估价和有改进汽轮机表现,Cotton Fact公司 ,Rexford,NY.(3)通用电气公司技术的信息串联84STG02号.(4)ASME苯硫脲6-1996,操作测验代码6台右手击球员的左后方场地汽轮机.
时间:2023-11-24 11:51
( 1 )展位,子,和Kautzmann ,德, 2004年, “估计泄漏惠普知识产权汽轮机组, ”上提出的电科院电厂性能监测会议/研讨会, Oct.24 。
( 2 )棉花,架KC , 1998年,评价和改进汽轮机性能,棉花实况公司, Rexford ,美国纽约。
( 3 )通用电气技术资料系列No.84STG02 。
( 4 )美国机械工程师协会PTC的6-1996 ,性能测试代码6汽轮机。
In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English. 如果你要问我们为什么我们要学英文。我的答复很简单明了。现在让我来把我的理由一一列举在下面: 英文已成为一种国际语言。如果你通晓它,你可以环游...
Dear friends Today, I saw my neighbour help an old lady across the road. I think it to be a very generous action and that he is being a responsible citizen. After all, the old people have done much for us in the past. And now they are old and no longer as nimble, ...
• Finals MVP number: 6 • the number of regular season MVP: 5 • The average per game last season scored the highest number of (scoring): 10 • the number of Olympic champions: 2 (1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games,)...
哪位大虾帮我把这两段中文翻成英文 谢谢
1. Evidently, in the eyes of his B that their pay was not the appropriate return, which means the organization has not admitted that he paid for the corresponding support, while those younger employees just because a certain qualifications, and lack of experience in And pay certain...
engineering, cell engineering,4 different angles to clarify the current common way or methods of human creation,collection, use of biological resources. Part V, gives a brief description of the current problems of the biological resources faced by mankind and the protection plan....
you told me to forget about you, although i wanted too. but still cant forget you smile, cherish the memory of the day past, but it still got past. you and me live in different place, miss you very much, very want to see you even sea dry stone break(海枯石烂不太会.....
2、北海公园是辽,金,元,明,清历代封建帝王的“御花园”1。总面积共有68.2公顷。公园的中心——琼岛,周长1.913米,高32.8米,是1179年(金代)用挖海的泥土堆成的。岛上白塔2建于1651年,塔高35.9米。2, beihai park is the liao, jin, yuan, Ming and qing dynasties feudal ...
Film Summary in Golden week 2,《李米的猜想》The Equation of Love & Death 呆呆精灵 Rat Pack 参考资料:关于介绍自己在网上找吧,你不会也要英文的吧
。他们非常爱我 在我的空闲时间,我喜欢读书和运动。跑步和打乒乓是我的最爱。我的父母希望我将来有所作为成为一个人人敬佩的人。所以我将努力实现这个梦想。我想到国外学习增加我的知识。所以我来到时了这儿。最重要的原因是这里的老师非常出名。介绍了这么我。我将在班上认真学习。谢谢!好累~~~...