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跳房子的《A Faker》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 17:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 17:50

歌曲名:A Faker
专辑:A Wishful Way

跳房子 - A Faker
编曲:李涛 刘利敏
I swear I'll go
I swear I'll lie
I swear I'll be mb
I swear I'll be a stranger
The world isn't fair
You should never be the same
Your words are useless
Your face is breaking
Your sky is falling
Your dreams are sinking
You'll kill all the signs
You'll feed my religion
You'll wash away your wish
and you'll crash your little house
I swear I'll lie
I swear I'll see
I swear I'll be lame
and I swear I'll be a faker
I swear I'll creep
I swear I'll swear
I swear I'll be right
and I swear I'll be a faker
I swear I'll go
I swear I'll lie
I swear I'll be mb
And I swear I'll be a stranger
The world isn't fair
You should never be the same
Your stars are dropping
Your wishes are dying
Your comets are burning
Your friends are abusing
I swear I'll creep
I swear I'll lie
I swear I'll cry
I swear I'll see
I swear I'll be crazy
I swear I'll swear
I swear I'll be lame
I swear I'll be a faker


热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 17:50

《A Faker》
所属专辑:《A Wishful Way》

I swear Ill go
I swear Ill lie
I swear Ill be mb
I swear Ill be a stranger
The world isnt fair
You should never be the same
Your words are useless
Your face is breaking
Your sky is falling
Your dreams are sinking
Youll kill all the signs
Youll feed my religion
Youll wash away your wish
and youll crash your little house
I swear Ill lie
I swear Ill see
I swear Ill be lame
and I swear Ill be a faker
I swear Ill creep
I swear Ill swear
I swear Ill be right
and I swear Ill be a faker
I swear Ill go
I swear Ill lie
I swear Ill be mb
And I swear Ill be a stranger
The world isnt fair
You should never be the same
Your stars are dropping
Your wishes are dying
Your comets are burning
Your friends are abusing
I swear Ill creep
I swear Ill lie
I swear Ill cry
I swear Ill see
I swear Ill be crazy
I swear Ill swear
I swear Ill be lame
I swear Ill be a faker
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