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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 19:01



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 10:43

Notre Dame of Paris (NOTRE-Dame) located in the city center known as the Paris Xidai the island, built in 1163 is welcoming the decision of the Paris Archbishop Morris Germany, the church was completed in 1345, lasted 180 years. Paris Notre Dame is a typical "song special type" church is known, largely because it is a landmark in the history of European construction signs. Wailimian of Notre Dame is a unique style, structured and solemn looks very ambitious. It is divided into three sections Bizhu vertical;
It will take three decorative horizontal divided into three parts, of which there are three Neiwa bottom of the Notre Dame of Paris is a stone building opened in the history of world architecture, the huge rock formation known level by the symphony. While this is a religious building, but it lights the wisdom of the French people, reflecting people's desire for a better life and the pursuit of

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 10:43

The Notre Dame cathedral (NOTRE-Dame) is located in on the Paris center Seine's west Dai island, the beginning constructed in 1163 is Paris Archbishop the Morris □Germany □Soviet advantage decided constructed, the entire place church completed only then completely in 1345, lasted more than 180 years. The Notre Dame cathedral is a model "the song special" the church, the reason that is world famous, mainly because it is in the European history of architecture an epoch-making symbol. The notre dame outside sets up the surface style uniquely, structure rigorous, has a liking for extremely grandly is dignified. It by the engaged column longitudinal separation is three bulks; Three decorations belts also its crosswise division are three parts, among, 最下面 has three in concave entries Notre Dame cathedral is a stone construction, in the world history of architecture, by the reputation is a level the symphony which is composed by the giant stone. Although this is a religious construction, but it is glittering the French people's wisdom, had reflected the people with yearned for to the happy life pursue
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