发布时间:2022-05-29 22:57
时间:2024-10-19 11:51
雷本那小镇,英文是Ravenna Township,在美国的俄亥俄州。距离雷本那小镇最近的城市是俄亥俄州的肯特市(Kent),不过肯特市貌似不够大。所以,距离雷本那小镇最近的大城市应该是克利夫兰(Cleveland)。
克劳威尔进入“格雷洛克学院”( Greylock Institute),在这里遇到一个影响他一生的米勒斯(Benjamin Franklin Mills)校长。学校里有许多学生都是因南北战争而产生的战后孤儿,他们几乎把米勒斯视为第二个父亲。米勒斯每天都与不同的学生约谈。一八七一年,有一天米勒斯校长约谈克劳威尔,米勒斯说:“你知道什么是你一生中最重要的教育?”克劳威尔摇摇头,米勒斯说: “ 花时间去认识上帝的旨意,是你一生中最重要的教育。”米勒斯校长这句劝勉,成为克劳威尔一生行事的准则。
一八八一年,克劳威尔前往雷本那郊外的“桂格磨粉厂”(Quaker Mill)。这间磨粉厂是在一八七五年,由一个贵格会的*徒海斯顿(William Heston)所建立的,所以海斯顿将磨粉厂取名为“桂格”。克劳威尔则认为“品质第一,货真价实,值得信赖”是他卖出产品的保证,如同贵格会*徒信仰一样纯正,所以他便听从了上帝的指引,在雷本那小镇组建了桂格燕麦公司。
It is the only Ravenna Township statewide. In the western part of the township along Ohio State Route 59 is the unincorporated town of Black Horse (or Blackhorse), named after the Blackhorse Tavern that was located there in the 19th century.
The township is governed by a three-member board of trustees, who are elected in November of odd-numbered years to a four-year term beginning on the following January 1. Two are elected in the year after the presidential election and one is elected in the year before it. There is also an elected township fiscal officer, who serves a four-year term beginning on April 1 of the year after the election, which is held in November of the year before the presidential election. Vacancies in the fiscal officership or on the board of trustees are filled by the remaining trustees.
时间:2024-10-19 11:51
知道英文名字么? ... 这个翻译实在太偏...
时间:2024-10-19 11:51
雷本那小镇,英文是Ravenna Township,在美国的俄亥俄州。距离雷本那小镇最近的城市是俄亥俄州的肯特市(Kent),不过肯特市貌似不够大。所以,距离雷本那小镇最近的大城市应该是克利夫兰(Cleveland)。
克劳威尔进入“格雷洛克学院”( Greylock Institute),在这里遇到一个影响他一生的米勒斯(Benjamin Franklin Mills)校长。学校里有许多学生都是因南北战争而产生的战后孤儿,他们几乎把米勒斯视为第二个父亲。米勒斯每天都与不同的学生约谈。一八七一年,有一天米勒斯校长约谈克劳威尔,米勒斯说:“你知道什么是你一生中最重要的教育?”克劳威尔摇摇头,米勒斯说: “ 花时间去认识上帝的旨意,是你一生中最重要的教育。”米勒斯校长这句劝勉,成为克劳威尔一生行事的准则。
一八八一年,克劳威尔前往雷本那郊外的“桂格磨粉厂”(Quaker Mill)。这间磨粉厂是在一八七五年,由一个贵格会的*徒海斯顿(William Heston)所建立的,所以海斯顿将磨粉厂取名为“桂格”。克劳威尔则认为“品质第一,货真价实,值得信赖”是他卖出产品的保证,如同贵格会*徒信仰一样纯正,所以他便听从了上帝的指引,在雷本那小镇组建了桂格燕麦公司。
It is the only Ravenna Township statewide. In the western part of the township along Ohio State Route 59 is the unincorporated town of Black Horse (or Blackhorse), named after the Blackhorse Tavern that was located there in the 19th century.
The township is governed by a three-member board of trustees, who are elected in November of odd-numbered years to a four-year term beginning on the following January 1. Two are elected in the year after the presidential election and one is elected in the year before it. There is also an elected township fiscal officer, who serves a four-year term beginning on April 1 of the year after the election, which is held in November of the year before the presidential election. Vacancies in the fiscal officership or on the board of trustees are filled by the remaining trustees.
时间:2024-10-19 11:51
知道英文名字么? ... 这个翻译实在太偏...